Chap 9: Happy New Year (Part 1)

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Katie's Pov:
Around 5:30, an hour and half before the Gathering :

Katie, standing in front of her mirror with a dress in each hand, is confused. One is a three quarter long sleeve dress. It was red hip up with embroidery done with gold and black with flower designs below the hip. The other was an entirely dark blue plain dress with half length sleeves but shoulder cut.

Only one person can help me now.

She takes her phone, procuressly balances it on the shelf of her dresser and video call Jessica.

[holds up both to camera
Which one?

[looks at both]
Got shoes with both?

Black will go with both.
And so will me ear rings and

Is it cold or windy?

Chilly and little breeze. Not
so strong in my yard. But that
doesn't make a difference. They
are both a little warm clothes.
Red being a little more than blue.

Go with blue. It's cuter.

Not trying to impress here.
There are going to be 15 relatives.

Then wear the red. It's classic.

I...uh..sorta kinda wanna...

Dress cutely for Mark. Yeah I
know. That's why I am saying
wear the blue one. What's your
priority here?

Yeah. Okay. Talk to you later.

That was some quick decision.
Send me pictures. Bye.

'This girl knows me too well' she thinks as she keep back one dress and wear the other. Hoping the night goes well, she took some pictures of myself and send them to Jessica.

She loves it. Obviously.

She looks at the time. It's almost 6:30. After some time everyone starts to come. Way too many people she didnt really care about. And naturally she was left to babysit three kids.

I hate this already.

Then little after 7, the bell rings again. She was in the yard but could hear her father greet in the  Smiths. She comes in to finally meet Mark's mother.

Mark's Pov:

Mr. Brown open the door to greet us and a moment or to later, Katie come. Dark blue, shoulder cut, half length sleeve, broad neck plain dress with black small heel shoes. She has her hair to the left with right side pushed back showing her side neck. She has dark blue stone beads on her ears. She pushes her bangs back showing her long eyelashes as she approaches us.

Damn. I knew she looked good but this-


"Ah. You must be Katie. Mark has said so much about you." Mom says.

"All good things I hope."

"Yes yes." they both have a short laugh. She like her. That's good. Katie and Mr. Brown take them in and introduce them to the large crowd.

"Suger, could you come help me?" Mrs. Brown calls Katie from the kitchen. They  come out with cakes, biscuits, sweets and drinks for everyone. The kids rush in for the food and everyone starts talking.

I thought it would be awkward for us but I guess I was wrong. It's awkward for only me. Mom seems to get along with everyone just fine.

Mark looks at Katie to see if it's the same for her too. And to his surprise it was. Katie was just sitting there looking at everyone and barely keeping track of the conversation.

Great. Now I can't look at her enough!

Soon he finds himself sneaking glance of her way too often.

Why did she have to be so soft at the lake and then go on and lean on my shoulder like that?! Ever since that, she is all I am thinking about! She was in my mind before that too but now... And now she has to dress up like this and sit in front of me and not talk to me?! Damn it! I want to--No. Stop it Mark! Her family is here and you are a guest. Behave.

Then suddenly their eyes locked. He smiles at her causing her to get all flustered. She quickly looks away but he had already seen her face and now had a small blush of his own.

After having their snacks the three kids went on to play. A little later she excused herself and goes towards the yard. He follows her soon after, taking a pair of Mrs. Brown's awesome cupcakes with him.

He find her sitting in one of the chairs. He sits to her right so that he could see her face. He then gives her a cake.

"I already ate five." she says.

"How about a sixth then? Not like you will become fat with just one more cake."
He say involuntarily smirking.

"You're saying I am fat?!" she says, dramatically appalled by his words.

"I am saying you are beautiful and one more cake won't do anything." He says, looking in her direction, with a gentle genuine voice. However, they soon realize what was just said and they both get flustered over it.

"Thanks." she finally manages to say. "You look good too. That dark red shirt looks really good on you."

"Thanks. Blue suits you well." he says, they both secretly wishing they had chosen the other colour.

They sit there a little while longer until we hear us being called in for dinner.


So sorry. This is a really badly written chapter... I still hope you will stick around for the rest!! Thank you for your time and support!!

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