Chap 15: That Day

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⚠ Suicidal thoughts. ⚠

The next few days past like usual, with neither of the friends talking about what happened that week. And Jessica, even though had many opportunities to ask, knew better than that. However she started keeping an eagle eye on Katie.

In college, they knew many people but couldn't exactly call them friends. They only had each other till one day a person came up to them during class break.

"Okay, seriously. What's up with you two?" said Mina.

Taken aback, both remained silent.

"You don't want to tell me, that's fine. But whatever it is please at least talk about it. I can tell that you want to but can't for some reason. I'm sorry if I said something I shouldn't have or crossed a line. But you guys are my friends and this thing is making me nervous. You two have been friends for so long so I hope you work it out, that's all." saying so mina just left before either of them had a chance to say anything.

Surprised to see that others had taken notice of the tension between them, Katie finally spoke. "It's about the weekend, isn't it. " Jessica only nodded. "I can't talk here. We're leaving." saying so she got up and walked out of college, Jessica simply following her.

Katie took them to her house where they were the only ones. Her parents were at their respective work, so they were alone. They washed up and sat on the front couch in an awkward silence for a while, Katie curled onto herself looking at the floor.

"That day was when he first confessed that he liked me. It was our anniversary." Katie spoke in a barely audible voice. But it was enough for Jessica who was shocked. She expected something about Mark but not this! Katie told her about his confession but the time had completely slipped her mind.

"Last year, we were preparing for finals at the time and I pushed myself and got sick. He was furious when he found out." Katie chuckled lightly. "He was basically shouting at me when it sorta slipped out." Fond memories made her smile softly.

"You are so- I told you not to do this. Constantly told each other to take care of ourselves!" Mark said. He was almost shouting but more than that he was concerned. He knew how important this exam was for her and why she was pushing herself so much. He admired her for this level of dedication but now it worried him.

"Calm down Mark *cough* it's just a little fever." Katie said barely able to speak in a course voice. She wouldn't say but she was enjoying this.

"Don't. 102 is not 'little fever'! You will on bed for days! And I can tell from that voice, it hurts. So don't try to act all tough and don't you dare go out at night!! Not to mention this will cost you days! What were you thinking when you stayed up studying till 4?! Huh?! And then waking up at 8?! Four hours of sleep IS NOT ENOUGH WITH YOUR STUDY LOAD! You better sleep now, you hear me? Or I'll have to talk to Mrs. Brown about this! You understand?"

" Yes sir... *cough*"

" tch... We'll text till your all healed. Okay?" She only hummed in reply." Okay. Now take care of yourself, you hear me? I love you so I don't want you to be sick-..."

"You what-?"

"uh.... Yeah okay fine! I have feelings for you okay... I-I don't need any reply... So just take care of yourself now. You don't have to worry about it...." And then he abruptly cut the call.

Katie was shocked but happy. Very happy. So she texted him.

I 've feelings for you too
It started that day when you
were too concerned about the
little cuts in my hands
And then when you took me to
your house on new year
I- I love you too Mark

Wait really?!
I- I actually wanted to tell you
that night but I was too scared...


Yeah. That's in past. Rn you
need to rest. We'll talk later.

Love u

Love you too


But now there were no such messages or any remote possibilities to make more memories like that. Katie sank in that realization again as the smile faded and tears ran out. Memories and pain of the last week came next as she started to narrate it.

"Remembering all that, and everything else I just couldn't stop crying. I was in pain, physically and mentally. And I wanted it to end so much that I- *heavy sigh, eyes closed* I took the paper cutter and locked myself in the bathroom." She paused.

Jessica, on the other hand, didnt know how to react. She never thought that her imagination of that day would actually be true! Nor did she ever think that Katie was actually in that intense pain. And she hated herself for that. The fact that they were old friends, the fact that they were best friends.... Was it a joke?! How could she not see it?! Now when she thought of it, there were so many signs. Katie stopped reading, started to confine herself to her room, her smile seemed forced... All the time she only thought that that was because Katie was sad. But never did she imagine it was so bad!...

"But then I heard you. You were calling for me. That's when I remembered... I- I lost one person but I still have many more... I have you, mom, dad, Steph... I shouldn't just take a step like that and conflict pain to all I care about... But" Katie looked at Jessica now, "that doesn't lessen the pain..." She started to cry harder then. "It hurts Jess... I- I can't-.... It hurts...."

Jessica lashed onto her friend as she brokedown. With soft constant reassuring words, she let her cry.

When she stopped, she took her to her bed, and went to the kitchen to make some food. Jessica hand-fed Katie to make sure that she had eaten. After eating they watched some TV till Katie fell asleep. Jessica then told her mother that she was at Katie's and will be a little late.

Of course, later on, Mrs. Brown informed her that it's better if Jessica spends the night there...

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