He forgot the coffee cup.

Both of our drinks had the McDonalds logo. If Simon was a little less hungover, he definitely would have noticed. We both sipped our drinks on the way to school.

Wayne looked at me through the rear view mirror. His brown eyes shined with a hazel outline. I saw him wink at me. He is playing a dangerous game.

"We shouldn't have gone to that club," Simon whined. Wayne's eyes shifted back to the road. "Why did you have to break up with Kelsey on a weekday?"

"Sorry, I should have waited till the weekend," Wayne apologized sarcastically. "I'll do that next time."

"Next time?" I questioned out loud. I shut my mouth automatically. I'm an idiot.

"Yes, Freeman, next time," he answered me in a distant voice. "It's not like I'm never gonna date again."

I nodded instead of replying verbally. I looked beside me and saw Wayne's black hoodie. I wanted to run my hand over to feel its smooth fabric. I wanted to wear it and have Wayne run his hands over it. And under it. Then, take it off and...

Stop it, Beth.

I crossed my legs and looked out the window. While turning a corner, Wayne looked over his shoulder and glanced at my legs. He turned to the front again and let out a comedic exhale.

Shut up, Anderson I wanted to say through my already gritted teeth. I hated the effect he had on me. And I hated that he knew.

We arrived at the school shortly after. The parking lot was flooded with late students walking around, including ourselves. I quickly found Anna in the crowd and basically ran towards her. She looked up from her phone and smiled.

"Hey, Anna-"

"Where is it? Where is it! Let me see!" Anna squealed. A few heads turned our way. I grabbed her elbow and led her into the hallway.

"Keep your voice down," I whispered angrily. I pulled her into the bathroom that I knew was the least busiest. I shut and locked the door while Anna checked the stalls for girls.

"All clear, now start talking."

I exhaled and moved my hair to the side. Her eyes widened and she dropped her jaw.

"He kissed me and I didn't tell him to stop. I actually told him to do more," I began. "He, um, sort of choked me then pulled away. He just, I don't know-"

"What else happened?" Anna pleaded me to continue.

"I took a sweatshirt off and my tank top underneath rolled up to my boobs. I was a little self conscious because I'm not the thinnest person. My body is more in the larger region, as you know, and I was really scared he was going to judge me or something." Anna nodded to show she was listening.

"He rubbed my inner thigh." I admitted. I had to tell her more and she smiled and pressed her lips together. "He was really close to my, um-"

"HOLY SHIT, BETHANY FREEMAN!" Anna screamed in shock. She shook my shoulders and I giggled.

"These walls aren't soundproof, Anna, keep your voice down."

"Please, please tell me who he is!"

My grin faded and I twiddled my thumbs. "I can't tell you."

Anna dropped my shoulders and looked like I just slapped her. "Oh. That's okay." She smiled a little. "When you wanna tell me, you can."

"I want to tell you, I really do, but I can't."

"The bell is going to go off any minute," Anna said, changing the subject. "We better go."

She walked through the door and I followed. There were only a couple of students in the hallway by their lockers.

A hand grabbed my wrist and pulled me back into the bathroom. Wayne shut and locked the door. What is his problem?

"What the hell are you doing?" I yelled. I don't even care that people could hear me, this guy has issues.

Wayne grabbed my waist and pushed me against the wall. He stared down at me, eyes dilated. He smirked at my confusion and showed off his stunning white teeth. The sides of my lips quirked up. He looked at me like he wanted nothing more than to smash his lips on mine.

"What are you doing, Anderson?" I whispered.

"Looking at my artwork." Wayne took my neck in his large hand and leaned my head back. He ran his thumb over the hickey he made earlier. He hummed in pleasure. "My masterpiece."

"Wayne, we're at school."

"Oh, please Bethany, let me turn this canvas purple."

I closed my eyes at the thought. Wayne kissed all over my exposed skin. I gasped at his full lips and the subtle slip of his tongue. I moaned when he grazed over the top of my collarbone. He began to suck and lick the sensitive spot.

"Mmm, right there," I whined.

"Yeah, right there?" He growled mockingly against my skin.

I grabbed the back of his neck with one hand and one of his belt loops with the other and pulled him closer, desperately. Wayne groaned and gripped my waist with both hands, connecting them with his like magnets. My breathing quickened and his mouth sucked harder.

The school bell rang. For a second, I forgot where we were. Wayne didn't stop. I put my hands on his chest and tried to push him away.

"No, no, no," Wayne begged. He hugged my waist and dragged his bottom lip against the spot. I rolled my eyes to the back of my head in desire. When I opened them, Wayne had a questioning and satisfied look.

"What was that?" He asked.

I swallowed. "I don't know what you're talking about," I said in denial.

Wayne's hands slid down from my waist to my hips. I grabbed his jaw firmly and lifted his chin.

"Hands off," I demanded seductively.

Wayne opened his mouth in pleasant shock and raised an eyebrow. I felt each of his long fingers leave my body. I grinned smugly and walked to the door.

"Ooo, you're gonna regret that," Wayne said deeply.

I unlocked the door and didn't pay him a glance. "Oh yeah, sure," I said sarcastically. I strutted out of the bathroom and I could feel the second mark forming.

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