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What is Self Publishing? 

As an author, you might hear this word a lot in the writing community. But, have you ever wondered what this meant? 

Btw, Self publishing is also called Indie publishing

Self publishing, is a form of book publishing. Now, self publishing is only one way of publishing books. The opposite of self publishing is called traditional publishing, but we will discuss that in the next chapter. In self publishing, you can control EVERYTHING about your book. From cover design, to editing, to basically everything, You have control. Now, if you are multi-talented you could do everything for your book without paying.  But, if you dont want to, you could hire and pay people for their work, But of course you need to own a budget.

A lot of people choose to self publish for good reasons, but the main reason is they do it for the money and the royalty. According to google, royalty from self publishing can go up to 15%

Personally, I would choose to self publish when I have an active social media following. This way, marketing is so much easier.


Pros & Cons~


📔 Complete creative control

📔  You can hand pick your publisher

📔 No deadline stress

📔 No Rejections

📔 You do the marketing

📔 More royalty percentage

📔 You get up to 50-60 % of the profits


📔 And a million more reasons



📔 You first need a proper social media account and an active following

📔 It can go very wrong 

📔 You may be bad at marketing

📔 Low sales

📔 Bad pricing


Questions will be answered here!

How to : Publish a book~ Everything you need to know about publishing a bookHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin