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As I made my way through the corridors on my first day of 5th year I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed. You are probably asking, sage you have nothing to be overwhelmed for? You have a perfect life, you have a great brother, mother and father, good grades. So why overwhelmed out of all things?

Well this year I was switching to advanced potions, which means there won't be any people that I know, well I don't really know a lot of people, I kind of stick to myself and I don't really make friends that easily because I hate talking to people, I have social anxiety so I don't really like to be in crowds or I don't really like talking to people. I have panic attacks from it sometimes which my brother always helps.

As I walked in the air hit my face as I breathed in. I sat in the very back which also included sitting next to Draco Malfoy, pansy parkinson and Blaise zabini. See I don't really hate them they just seem like a perfect friend group I guess and I bet they would never want a stupid hufflepuff girl talking to them so I don't.

As I sat down I pulled out my books. Snape quickly strolled in with his cape following behind him as he turned around quickly looking at every student which made us all tense up. "Can anyone tell me what baruffio's brain elixer does?" He asked the class. I knew the answer but I hated answering and snape knows that.

The class was silent as he was waiting for an answer "miss Davison tell me" he stated as my heart skipped a beat and I looked around the room noticing all the attention on me. Holy shit holy shit, breathe.

"Um-  Baruffio's Brain Elixir was a potion that supposedly increased the drinker's brain power. According to Gethsemane Prickle, British Ministry of Magic Herbologist and Potioneer, Baruffio's Brain Elixir did not work at all and posed a serious health hazard if improperly brewed." I stated as I breathed out.

He only nodded as he turned on the slides. He flipped through them as I took notes on this potion that you don't even use.

I felt someone sit next to me but I did not dare look over. "Hi, I am pansy parkinson" she held out her hand as I looked over.

"Hi uh I am- sage Davidson" I shook her hand as my heart beat was racing.

"You really know potions don't you" she laughed.

"Uh I guess yeah" I smiled as she put her books on the table.

"Come on pansy leave the poor girl alone, she's a hufflepuff" Draco Malfoy scoffed as he pointed to my house tie that was sitting loosely on my white collared shirt.

I stayed silent as pansy looked at me "sorry he's a dick" she laughed opening up to the page we were on.

We sat next to each other the rest of class when snape dismissed us as pansy immediately stood up, "come on pansy, don't have all day to wait on you talking to that hufflepuff" Draco spat as he walked passed us. I saw Blaise was still packing up his stuff, I guess Draco didn't wait on him.

"I have to go but let's talk later hm?" Pansy asked as I nodded sending her off.

"Hey I am Blaise by the way" the boy came up to me as I stared into his brown eyes.

"Sage" I shook his hand but my heartbeat wasn't racing or my chest was getting tight, I was normal.

"Nice to meet you, I will be off, see you next time though right?" He asked as he walked backwards out of the classroom.

"You will" I smiled as he winked walking away as I turned the other way.

I caught up to Luke talking to the twins, George and Fred weasley. "Hey guys" I smiled.

"Sage, how was first day?" Luke asked turning to me as I looked into his eyes.

"It was okay, I made a new- well I mean I don't really know if we are friends" I giggled.

"Oh cool, what's their names?" Luke asked.

"Blaise zabini and pansy parkinson, slytherin-

"-Yeah we know damn well who they are, stay away from them, they are involved with you-know-who" he muttered.

"Oh it's fine, we are just friends" I smiled.

"Well we have to go see you guys later" George and Fred said in sync.

"Okay see you two later" Luke stated as I smiled and waved bye to them. Once they were gone Luke looked at me seriously "I really don't want you getting that involved with them- their families do bad things." He muttered.

"Families don't define the person, for all I know they could be so much different then their families. Give them a chance" I smiled as he rolled his eyes.

"Okay okay, see you later I have to go" he smiled as he turned his heals and walked off as I walked to the astronomy tower.

I set my books down and sat in front of the railing as I looked at the sky.

The sky really helps me with everything going on with me. I never really have a full moment when I am looking at the beautiful sky. It calms me.

I heard footsteps coming up the stairs along with muffled voices so I quickly picked up my stuff and hid behind a desk that was up there.

"No she just seems nice why can't I be friends with her" I heard a familiar voice as they stepped onto the floor.

"Because Blaise, she seems annoying" Draco scoffed.

"Well you are fucking annoying, fuck off" Blaise stated as I heard his footsteps make their way to the stairs.

"If you walk away right now I am fucking telling every girl who you have ever fucked that still cling onto you like a dog about it what's going to happen." Draco stated. About what?

"Fuck you Draco, I know you wouldn't" Blaise's tone changed.

"I would though, you wouldn't want those precious sluts to get hurt now would you?" Draco gritted.

"Fuck you man, and don't call them sluts you fucking piece of shit, they are girls- not one of your toys" Blaise stated.

"Fuck you." Draco announced as his footsteps walked to the stairs and his trails suddenly got silent.

I heard muffled cries as I tried not to move. Poor Blaise.


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