He looked at her hair, which she carefully braided and tucked beneath her scrub cap. He smiled, imagining her in surgery, flawlessly dissecting, suturing, and saving lives.

Derek was pulled from his thoughts by a slight tug. His jaw dropped as he realized it was Meredith, weakly squeezing his hand.

"Oh my god, Mer?" Derek yelled, quickly standing up. A team of surgical staff entered the room, ready to take Meredith to the OR for organ harvest.

"Don't touch her." Derek muttered, turning to form a barrier between the OR staff and Meredith's bed.

"Mm" Meredith muttered. Derek spun around, a giant smile plastered on his face. He watched the scene in front of him, shocked.

Meredith moved slightly, slowly waking up. It was a damn miracle.

"What's going on?" Arizona asked, entering the room when the surgical staff left without Meredith.

"She's waking up." Derek whispered, lovingly stroking his wife's face.

"What? She- That's impossible. What?" Arizona muttered.

"Arizona, she's alive."


Meredith's room was full of people, all waiting desperately for her to wake up.

Meredith's eyes felt like they were glued shut. She longed to open them and face reality, but her body seemed to work against her. She finally managed to squeeze Derek's hand, and mumble again.

"Meredith, we're all right here when you're ready. "
Derek whispered, silently willing his wife to wake up happy and deficit-free.

"Ouch." Meredith's eyes slowly cracked open.

The room erupted into joyous laughter. The same look of disbelief  slowly crept to each face. The doctors in the room knew the science behind this, and couldn't believe that Meredith had gone from
brain dead to awake and talking.

Derek clutched Meredith's hand, afraid to let go


Weeks later, Meredith was finally being discharged. Derek helped her pack the few things scattered around her room.

The couple had found a unique balance. Meredith wasn't ready to be in a relationship, but she couldn't deny that she needed Derek. She leaned on him
for support.

Derek knew not to push anymore. He slowly began to understand his wife and what she had been through. He would wait for her; as long as it takes.

He had to work to regain every ounce of trust Paul had taken from them.

Arizona ran into the room, gasping and out of breath.

"I tried.. to.. stop him.." She panted. Meredith and Derek stared at her, confused. They realized what she was talking about when a tall man in a silken suit stepped into the room.

Meredith cringed at the unfamiliar man in front of him. Noticing this, Derek placed a comforting hand on her back.

"Meredith Grey? My name is Troy Walker. I'm a defense attorney for assault victims." He stated formally, handing her a damn business card.

Meredith cautiously accepted the card, shivering at the words. Assault Victim.

"I told you this wasn't a good time." Arizona muttered, noticing the shocked look on Meredith's face.

"I've been studying your case, and if we take this to court I strongly believe I can get you justice." The man continued persistently.

"Meredith, you don't have to do this." Derek whispered worriedly. He knew she was still fragile.

"No." She stated, finally finding enough courage to speak.

"I'm going to court."

omg, this chapter was a mess. i know the beginning wasn't very medically accurate, but i couldn't let her die.

sorry about the huge time jump. i was getting sick of her being in a hospital. next chapter will be so exciting.

hope you all enjoyed this, and are staying safe!! please vote and comment :)

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