Piece Of My Heart

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"Derek, you should sit down for this."

Derek sank into the waiting room chair, his heart pounding.

"We did everything we could..." Owen started.

"No-" Derek muttered. He couldn't believe this was happening.

"Meredith died at 13:07." Maggie finished, sounding devastated.

Derek began to sob. He didn't care who saw him break down. His Meredith, his sun was gone.

He had wasted months in DC, abandoning his family for a stupid job. 

He had taken too long to find her. Maybe if they found her sooner she would be in his arms right now, not laying on a gurney somewhere cold and dead.


"Do you want to see her?" Callie asked. He nodded, and rose from his chair onto shaky legs.

He walked through the hospital, mentally preparing himself for what he was about to see. Owen gestured to a private room.

Derek attempted a smile, trying to show his gratitude. He entered the room, and drew in a shaky breath.

Meredith looked tiny in the large bed. Her eyes were shut so peacefully, it looked like she could have been sleeping.

But Derek knew better. He would never see hear her obnoxious snoring. He would never see her emerald eyes, the kind that you could get lost in forever. He would never hear her giggle light up a room.


"Meredith, I'm here." He whispered, grabbing her small, cold hand. He stroked her pale face.

"I'm sorry I couldn't save you. You just left, and I already miss you so much. Every time I remember that you'll never get to see see our children grow up, or win more Harper Avery's than your mom, or grow old and smelly with me I just laugh... Because I can't believe it."

He wiped a tear from his eye and continued.

"You are extraordinary, Mer. You won't be forgotten, I promise. I love you."

He rose from the chair, and placed a final kiss on her lips. He turned around, and left. He couldn't bear to see his wife like that for another minute.

As the door closed behind him, he let himself fall apart. He collapsed into Richards arms, shaking with sobs.

"Derek... Derek?" Owen prompted. Derek shook his head, pulling himself from terrible thoughts.

"Did you want to sit down?" The trauma surgeon asked, confused.

"Right, yeah." He whispered, lowering himself into the waiting room chair, and looking up at the surgeons that surrounded him.

"We began to fix the injuries she sustained, but there was just too much damage. She became unstable, and kept coding." Derek swallowed harshly. That was not good.

"We opted to do damage control. She's now in a medically induced coma. I'd like to see if she survives the night. After that, I'll consider going back
to the operating room once she stabilizes." Owen finished.

Derek nodded, but his heart sank in his chest.

If she survives the night.

"We can take you to see her. You can sit with her, hold her hand..."

"Tell her not to pull any crap." Bailey added. Derek chucked lightly as he followed the surgeons to the ICU.

"Oh, Mer.." Derek whispered as he paused outside her door. She looked so fragile, tubes coming out from everywhere on her body. He cringed at the hiss of the ventilator that was breathing for his wife.

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