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"Grey!" boomed Bailey's voice over the intercom. I briefly looked up from my trauma patient to find the short-statute woman in my gallery.

"Yes chief?" I replied blearily, returning to my anastomosis.

"After your surgery you are to come to my office." A knot formed in my throat. That did not sound good.

I glanced up to the gallery again, and she was already gone.

"Ligament suture." I commanded the scrub nurse with my hand outreached.

"Please monitor his vitals overnight, and run a repeat crit in 2 hours. If he decompensates, page me. I don't care how late it is." I said, handing the nurse his chat.

"Yes doctor." I made my way to Bailey's office, knocking at the door once I arrived.

"Come in, have a seat. " I made my way to her desk, preparing for a classic Bailey speech.

"You've really stepped up your game Grey. You've innovated in the OR, taught the interns in your anatomy lab, and dedicated an incredible amount of hours these past months. So, I am promoting you to Chief of General, effective immediately."

I stared blankly ahead, trying to absorb what she said into my fried brain.

"Grey? This is the part where you say Yes I want the job!"

"Right! Of course, I accept! Thank you for the offer." I reached out to shake her hand, but she pulled me into a hug which I gratefully reciprocated.

"Now get out of here, and get some sleep. You look like a mess." She joked, pulling away. I nodded graciously, and stumbled out the door to the parking lot.

I drove home on autopilot, barely able to keep my eyes open. A quick glance at the clock told me Derek should be driving to the airport, so I decide to call him.

My service failed and the call was cut short as I drove down 94. I sighed in embarrassment over the complete breakdown I had.

I wiped a few stray tears from my eyes and directed my attention to the road ahead.

A few miles later I came across a car in the ditch, that seemed to have crashed into a tree. I went
into doctor mode, pulling over and hopping out of the car.

"Sir, I'm a doctor. Are you alright?" I called to the driver, who seemed to be in shock. He slowly turned to look at me through the open window.

"I-I'm fine... My kids were in the t-trunk messing around. P-please make sure they're okay." He stuttered. I nodded, jogging to the back of the vehicle.

I opened the trunk, expecting to see frightened children. Instead, two grown men sat menacingly. I opened my mouth to speak, but once of them raised a metal bar and hit me over the head.

I sank towards the ground, my vision going dark. I hazily felt someone lift me into the car, and the engine roared as I drifted out of consciousness.

The dull roar of the plane engine lulled me into an uneasy sleep. Meredith's words ran through my head.

"Exhausted.. overwhelmed.." I jerked awake as we hit a turbulence spot. I couldn't help but feel like a crappy husband.

The plane began its descent into Seattle. I clenched the bottom of my seat, harshly reminiscing on the plane crash that took my best friend.

I stepped out of the plane onto firm ground, and breathed a sigh of relief. I was finally home, for good.

"Taxi!" I yelled, weaving my way through a crowd of people. I entered the yellow cab suitcase first, and directed the driver to GSM.

I pulled my phone from my pocket, and turned off airplane mode. Suddenly, notifications from dozens of missed calls bombarded my screen. Several
from Bailey, Callie, Alex, even Owen. But none from Meredith.

I figured it would be rude to return the calls in someone else's car, so I put my phone back in my pocket after shooting a quick text.

Mer, you okay?

Minutes later, the driver pulled up to the hospital. I handed him a wad of cash and opened the door hurriedly.

I paused in front of the OR board, and began to scan for Meredith's name.

"Doctor Shepherd, are you free to scrub in on an emergent craniotomy." A nurse interrupted.

"I should really follow up with Doctor Bailey.." I said, gesturing to my phone and the many missed calls.

"You're the only available  neurosurgeon, her vitals
are tanking!" I sighed, and took off running to the scrub room.

"Close up for me." I instructed my intern. I left the
room, removing my gloves and mask.  I stepped into the hallway, wondering where I would find Bailey.

"DEREK SHEPHERD." I cringed at the loud voice, slowly turning around to face the small woman.

"Yes Chief Bai-"

"WHERE THE HELL IS GREY?"  She yelled.  My blood went cold.

"What do you mean-" I stuttered, growing worried.

"I mean I promoted her to chief and she can't even bother showing up. She's got everyone worried and missed two surgeries! So... where. the. hell. is. Grey." She annunciated each syllable.

I shook my head and turned, running down the hall frantically.

"Shepherd what the hell!" Bailey called behind me, but it was no use.

Once I reached the parking lot I shuffled into the car, running a list of worse case scenarios through my head. Car accident? Aneurysm? Alien abduction?

The engine roared to life, and I began the drive to the dream house.  Maybe she just overslept. Maybe she's fine. I reassured myself.

My hope was crushed as I drove past her car, slightly in the ditch along 94. My breaks screeched to a hault, and I quickly maneuvered out of the car.

"Meredith?" I yelled, running to meet her parked vehicle.  My fear grew when I found her drivers seat empty. I saw keys, her phone, and her purse.

But no Meredith.

I frantically scanned the surrounding area, seeing only a scattering of trees. I unpocketed my phone and dialed 911.

Something was very wrong.

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