Chapter 86- dancing with fire

Start from the beginning

"She does. Amongst other cute habits." I say with a smile.

This makes them lean in, all four of them peering with bright interest at me, expectantly and hopeful.

"What? You want to know them?" Mi-sun teasingly asks and when I turn to glance at her, her face is full of mischief and tease.

The boys don't even bother disguising their intentions, nodding eagerly, their bodies curved close to each other as they look at us, waiting for us to answer.

"Well shame. It's more fun if you discover the habits yourself no? Like the one where she gets all sleepy and begins to...ahh whoops. Never mind." Mi-sun nonchalantly drawls, cutting her own excited rambling off intentionally, shrugging her shoulders as she turns to face the front, effectively cutting the conversation off, lips curved up victorious and smug.

They blink owlishly, wide eyes peering at her with surprise before their faces melt, Taehyung and Yoongi grumble before leaning back, Jin sighs and Namjoon can't quite disguise the disappointment in his eyes as he turns.

It almost makes me feel bad, had it not been for the way Mi-sun smugly turns to look at me, eyes filled with silent meaning and intent.

Mi-sun was a horrific tease.

And the boys just didn't know what a whirlwind she was, a force that blew through and left behind people struggling to catch on.

And she was playing her game, her way. She was having the time of her life teasing them.

"You know I reckon cherub's not gonna be mighty pleased." I whisper, leaning in close to her side for a moment.

Her face flashes, a moment of uncertainty, before she smoothens it out.

Neither of us could bear the aching sight of a disappointed cherub, and a displeased one was just the same.

"Don't tell her then." She retorts.

I grin as I lean into my seat, the first performances having begun, legs stretched out before me. 

"Make it worth my while. Pay for my silence." I say easily, lips spreading wide at the indignant huffing on my side.

Mi-sun wanted silence, she had to buy it. And she knew mine didn't come cheap. I couldn't wait to see what price I put on it once I'd thought of a suitable payment.

Until then, I'd enjoy the performances.


The moment I hear the names of the next performance being announced, I straighten up in my seat, body jerking upright and eyes snapping to rapt attention.

(Y/N) was going to be up next. In mere moments she was going to step up and I couldn't wait to see what she brought, couldn't wait to see what her practices brought. She'd kept even the song name hidden from the two of us, wanting the final performance to be the only glimpse we got of it.

And that anticipation had built, had mounted higher and higher and the tension between me and Mi-sun was palpable, was heavy and thick on our tongues, could almost taste how close we were to seeing it.

And when the four of them stepped up, I could see already they were in the zone. Could see the fire burning in their gazes, could see the way their postures were purposeful and already beginning to set the atmosphere for the dance, slow, confident steps as the four of them moved into position, as the spotlights turned to focus on them, casting strong glows on them from every angle.

And then....then the music began. And I was lost to the dance. Drowning in that sensation of being drawn in to her dance once more.


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