after leaving her unsatisfied, briony kicks him out—kindly of course. she's not going to let him sleep beside her because it's going to be so awkward in the morning. it's better to just let him go now. and he's definitely not getting a call from her again. harsh, but being bad in bed is a deal breaker for her.

with an unsatisfied sigh, she closes her eyes and lets sleep take over her.


briony's not in a good mood this morning. after having bad sex last night she finds out that there is no more tea left in the cupboard and the refrigerator is empty. there is literally nothing to eat. she groans in annoyance.

"you look like shit," her flatmate, harry, comments. she turns around to face him and sees he's glowing. at least one of them had a pleasurable night.

"thanks," she rolls her eyes. "are you aware that the only thing in our fridge is water?"

"yeah, i ate what's left of the cereal earlier. sorry, pumpkin." he smirks, shrugging. pumpkin. his nickname for her. throughout their years of living together he found out that she liked eating healthily and squash is one of her favorite vegetables; hence, the nickname.

"you are such a dick," she replies, moving past him to go back to her room to get dressed and get breakfast outside instead. she didn't mean to call him that, but she's in a bad mood so she can act out.

"whoa, okay, you are one grumpy lass today. bad night?" he follows her to her room, but when she gets inside he stays leaning at the door and watches her look through her drawer.

"ugh, you have no idea," she groans.

"wait...didn't you go on a date last night?" he wonders.

she told him about a date she was going to this week, but that slipped his mind because her dating life really isn't his concern. they're flatmates but they're not that close, sure they talk and do some things together but he has other friends who he's closer with, and so has she.

before uni he was already looking for a flatmate. he owns the flat because his parents bought it for his sister during her time in uni and now it's his. to earn some money he sent out an ad for a flatmate. he charges lower than the other places near their uni so when briony found out she scrambled for the opportunity.

when harry conducted the interviews for his new flatmate all the women that were interested only wanted to share a flat with him because they wanted to sleep with him. don't get him wrong, he's not opposed to it. sex is sex. but he doesn't want to live with someone who constantly blushes when he talks or constantly pines after him. briony was different from the rest. she wasn't pining after him and her panties were not dropping at his every word. she was the most decent candidate and so he chose her.

"i did. the date was good. so good! but..." she trails off, not wanting to divulge into more details about her unpleasant night since they don't really talk about stuff like that.

"go on, you know you can tell me things," he urges. he wanted to know what's gotten her in a bad mood. she's generally a joyous person. she rarely has bad moods.

she knows they don't talk about these things but she's suddenly compelled to talk to him. maybe because he's willing to listen to her, maybe because he's being gentle about it, or maybe because she wants him to do something about her situation—you know, like give her advice or something.

"well, this guy—matt—he was a complete gentleman, really funny, kind, smart. all the things i look for in a man. but he's so bad in bed! like really bad! i mean, he asked me if i came right after. who does that? only the really lame ones!" she exclaims.

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