"Since we're meeting all of your family one by one," I remarked.

"When I set the date, I'll let you know," he answered stiffly.

We went up the steps and into the beautiful palace. It was even larger up close. I almost felt as if I'd stepped into a fairy tale.

Since we were here it would be polite to say hello to his parents as well.

"Are your parents home?" I asked.

"Why? Do you want to spend some alone time with me?" he asked suggestively. I rolled my eyes.

Kevin eyed him weirdly and led me away from him into the house. After scanning his fingerprints and irises, he typed in a code and the doors opened with a click.

I gaped at what I saw. We were definitely in the palace, but where we'd just entered was an exact replica of the house I'd visited on Monday. Every single thing was the same. The colours, the furniture... everything.

"How?" I wondered out loud.

"Told you you'd see something cool," Kevin laughed. "It's modelled just like the last house."

"But we're in the palace." I turned to Ashton. "You have a mansion in your palace?"

He smirked. "You don't?"

"This side of the palace is completely closed off to everyone except the royal family and us," Kevin explained as he led me to the living room. Ashton went up the stairs to get his sister.

"Why though? I thought the royal family lived in the north wing of the palace."

"Assassins also think that," he shrugged. "This is just an extra protective measure. It's almost impossible to find this part of the palace."

"So I'm guessing you live here too," I commented.

"I have a house here as well," he said sheepishly.

"And the house that me and the girls know?"

"I live there too," he chuckled.

I just nodded. There were no words.

"Only Royals live in the Royal Realm, but a handful of chosen noble families also own houses in the Royal Realm. Me and the other guys you met on Monday have houses in all three realms."

A few moments later we heard sounds of excited feet running down the stairs and Ashton shouting at someone to be careful.

I stood up as a cheerful looking girl entered the room. She looked about five years old and she was beautiful. She had her mother's light brown hair and her eyes were blue, like Ashton's, only hers were a much lighter shade of blue. But just by looking into them, I could tell they were related.

She ran over to me quickly and giggled.
"Hello, I'm Princess Brooke."

I smiled at her, she was so cute! I curtsied and stooped down to her height.

"Hi, Princess Brooke. I'm Elizabeth."

She giggled again. "I know." She paused. "I'm five and a half years old," she stated proudly.

My heart melted as she gave me a hug.

"How are you doing today?" I asked.

"I'm really excited because my mother's going to take me to the royal theatre after ballet, and it is going to be so much fun!" she said in one breath.

"Wow, that does sounds super fun," I smiled "I hope you have a blast!"

She nodded, then looked back at Ashton. "I like her. She's nice and pretty too," she said with a satisfied grin. Then she turned back to me. "You're going to marry Ashton, right?"

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