Part 5

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Midnight came, and Bret snuck out of his cabin. He darted through the baseball diamond, past the fire pit, and over to the lake.

At the end of the dock, stood Veronica. She had the canoe and oars ready to go. She was still wearing the mini skirt and tight shirt. Bret licked his lips, stuck out his chest, and strolled down the dock.

"You're ready to go, I see," Bret said, taking an oar from Veronica and stepping into the canoe.

Veronica looked out into the black lake. The clouds covered the moon, and she couldn't see far past the dock. She then swung her head back toward her cabin. A breeze brushed by, making her legs convulse and the little hairs on her neck stick up.

Bret noticed Veronica's apprehension. "Second thoughts?"

Veronica flung her head around to see Bret leaning back with his feet up, collar popped, and the top three buttons of his shirt undone. She picked up the other oar and boarded the canoe.

Paddling out, her heart knocked on her chest. Her hands grew clammy. Muscles twitched, nervously pulsating. Mosquitos pecked at her legs and arms.

They reached the middle of the lake and put the oars to the side. Bret faced Veronica from the middle bench. She sat on the back bench. Their knees clanked together. He swallowed a lump in his throat.

"It's really quiet out here. I don't hear a thing," Bret said, scratching the back of his neck. They stared at each other awkwardly, waiting for the other to do something. "Can I tell you a secret?"

"I guess."

"I've never done this before."

Veronica shrugged. "I've never kissed on the lake either."

"No." Bret broke his gaze. "I've never... kissed before... ever."

"What?" she gasped. "You always talk about hooking up with all these girls."

"That's just talk. I talk a big game, but no girl wants to kiss me."

"Maybe it's because you make fun of everyone."

Bret knew she was right. "Don't tell anyone. I'll deny it," he barked, sitting back, raising his eyebrows to the middle of his forehead.

Veronica put her hands up. "It's our secret." She smirked at him, and he reciprocated. For a moment, they shared a glance of unguarded innocence. They were both scared kids out on a lake with no clue what to do next. Veronica tilted her head back toward the sky, letting out a heavy sigh as if she had something growing inside her that she needed to blow out or she would burst. "We don't need to do anything. You don't actually like me, and I don't like you. Let's just go back and—"

"No. We're kissing," Bret interrupted. "I didn't come out here to not get some."

Veronica squinted, inspecting Bret's face to see if he was joking. But he was like stone.

"When I saw you dressed like that, I knew you wanted some. I'm here to give it to you."

The wind picked up. A small wave crashed into the canoe, tipping them enough that they both held onto their seats. A crow flew overhead, casting its shadow onto them.

"Aren't you afraid of Cindy Swanson coming to get you?" Veronica asked, brushing her hair back around her ear and laughing off his last comment.

Bret leaned in, placing his hands on her bare thighs. Any trace of Bret's shy vulnerability had vanished. His stare was cold, imposing. "I'm not afraid of anything." He twisted his head, canvassing the area. "Do you see that?"

"See what?" Veronica's heart raced, but it wasn't because she was nervous about what she was going to do. She was now terrified of what Bret was going to do.

He locked his sights back on Veronica. "There's no one but us. What we have here is a classic he said, she said situation. If you don't make out with me, I'll tell everyone we did a lot more than that."

She felt sick. All of her confidence, strength, power drained from her body. She was an empty shell again. An empty shell in uncomfortable clothes.

His large hands squeezed her thighs and slid up just under her skirt. He drew closer. Their noses inches apart. Clouds of his hot breath settled around her nostrils.

"Don't fight it. You know you'll like it."

He went for a kiss.

"Okay!" Veronica said, jolting back and shoving her hand in his face. "I'll make out with you." She displayed a playful smile. "But it needs to be romantic. You need to sit back and close your eyes."

Bret rolled his eyes and tried to kiss her again.

She threw her finger up to his mouth and wagged it back and forth.

He huffed and sat back. "Fine. You win." He closed his eyes and puckered up.

"Good. Now I'm going to take my time with this. No peeking. Just sit there with your eyes closed and let me concentrate."

Bret heard clanking and rustling around. He opened his eyes for a second, but Veronica threw her hand to cover them.

"All good things come to those who wait."

He shut his eyes again and waited.

He kept hearing noses by his feet. Metal rattling and banging.

"What are you doing?" He opened his eyes.

But then it finally came. Her soft lips pressed up against his. Sparks flew. Fireworks exploded. His body melted into a puddle of goo. He never wanted to let up. It was everything he had hoped for and more.

Before he knew it, their lips broke off, and it was over. He took a deep breath and let out a satisfied sigh, slow and relaxed. He opened his eyes and was stunned by the sight before him.

Veronica's eyes were wide with fear. Her jaw unhinged. Hand straight out, pointing to something behind him. Something in the water. She covered her mouth and shrieked, "It's her."

A loud splash of water. Bret jerked in his seat. The boat rocked as if someone was climbing into it. In a panic, Bret tried to stand, but then he felt Cindy Swanson's cold, bony fingers wrap around his ankle. Before he could react, there was a quick, violent yank, and Bret's leg was dragged over the edge.

His fingernails scraped across the seat as his legs went overboard. He held onto the side, and the boat tipped, almost flipping over. The force was too heavy, overpowering. He lost his grip and went under.

Veronica watched as, in a split second, Bret Hilliard vanished in the blackness of the lake. The last thing she saw was his eyes, struck with fear and desperation. His arms outstretched in a hopeless effort to be saved.

She swung around toward the camp. No one was there to save her. She was all alone. Her guts twisted. Her head pounded. Limbs like jelly.

She knew was came next.  

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