𝑜𝑛𝑒 ℎ𝑢𝑛𝑑𝑟𝑒𝑑 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑡𝑦 𝑠𝑖𝑥.

Start from the beginning

Instead, there was a silver bowl with water shining so brightly that it filled the entire room with a bluish grey light that painted reflections of the water all over the painted ceiling. Upon closer consideration, Hollis wasn't quite sure if the translucent substance was gas or liquid, it had a very mysterious quality about it.

Hollis immediately recognized the bowl for what it was.

The Rosiers had a pensieve. 

"What the bloody hell are you doing in here?" hissed the shrill voice of Vindia Rosier.

Hollis had been so focused that she hadn't heard her mother come in. The sound startled Hollis out of her trance so badly that she let out a tiny yelp and slammed the wooden back on top of the pensieve. The wood blocked out the whitish light the silvery bowl had produced, making the room dark once more. 

Vindia Rosier walked towards Hollis, her heels clicking menacingly against the floor.

"I said, Appoline, what are you doing in here?" she repeated, gripping a hand tightly under Hollis's chin and around her cheeks.

Hollis had to make an effort not to wince at how her mother's nails were digging into her flesh.

"I wasn't aware there were forbidden rooms in my own house," Hollis replied, her eyes narrowing. "Why do we have a pensieve?"

Vindia's grip tightened, and Hollis felt a sharp nail puncture her skin.

"You are not the one who gets to ask questions!" she exclaimed, her voice toxic and cruel. "And you would do best to stay in your room and not go around trying to discover anything. You have no idea what your father and I are dealing with in this war, the sacrifices we have made for the greater good."

If anything, this just made Hollis even more curious.

"So is that why you have it here, then?" Hollis asked, and her mother's face paled slightly. Vindia knew that her daughter was bound to make the proper guesses, it was one of the reasons she hated Hollis so much. "To use our house as a meeting place even more than it already is? Are you keeping it for someone else? Other Death Eaters, or even Voldemort?"

Every single one of her daughter's points landed on Vindia like a budget to the gut.

"We all have to do our part in the war, even if you may be a lazy little brat," Vindia replied, and Hollis felt a bit of warm, sticky blood trickle down her cheek. 

Hollis knew that she certainly was doing her part, just not for the side her mother wanted.

"And as I said, you will do best to keep your mouth shut!" Vindia demanded, releasing her grip on Hollis with a harsh tug of her daughter's head that made her stumble backward against the piano. "From this point on, you will stay in your room!"

Hollis wiped the blood off her face with the back of her hand and stepped towards her mother.

"Are you really that afraid of what I might find in here?"

And with that, Hollis's wrist was in an iron tight grip. In a blink of an eye, Vindia had apparated both of them to Hollis's room. Vindia roughly hit her daughter across the face, sending her against the tall bedpost with a whimper.

As her daughter tried to fully stand, Vindia exited the room and slammed the doors behind her.

When Hollis gathered enough strength, she ran to the doors and tried to open them. To her despair, they were magically locked. No matter how hard Hollis pulled, the doors remained shut. 

"Let me out!" Hollis cried, banging her fist against the dark wood.

She was met by only silence.

Every single bit of her freedom had been taken away from Hollis. Now she couldn't even walk around her own house. Furiously running to her desk, Hollis pulled out a sharp letter opener out of the drawer and gripped it in her hand.

Holding the carved silver handle, Hollis threw the sharp point at the door as hard as she could out of fury.

The letter opener buried its blade in the wood, vibrating slightly with the force Hollis had used.

It was going to be a long, dull two weeks until she returned to Hogwarts.

Well, Hollis had the long part right.

But as far as the dullness, nothing could be said.

She had no idea what, or who was coming her way much sooner than she expected.

we just needed a reason for hollis to be stuck - but i think that's a good, realistic one

u guys should follow me bc yea

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