Chapter Eighteen

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Jo's POV

My thoughts came back and I felt myself getting lighter. My body felt heavy but my mind was so light, I don't know what is going on. I can't move, I can't speak and I... I can't feel anything but pain. What is happening to me?

Every nerve in my body wanted me to scream out in pain but I can't seem to do that. I felt a hand resting on mine and I tried to open my eyes. I put every energy in opening my eyes and finally some light came through.

"Jo, hi Jo. Can you hear me?" Someone said shining a bright light in my eyes.

Shut up please my head hurts. I say following the light shining in my eyes.

"Jo? Hello?" I heard once again. I think it was Meredith. Her voice was calm but still too loud for me in this moment.

I can hear you just please let me get some rest. I say again closing my eyes in the hope they'll leave me alone.

"Jo can you squeeze my hands please?"

I do as they say and squeeze Meredith's hands as tight as I can. Meredith confirms that I am indeed squeezing her hands and following orders.

"Jo can you say something?"

Just please let me sleep. I say again opening and closing my eyes.

"She can hear us but I dont think she can talk. Lets get a head CT to make sure we didn't miss anything."

I feel the bed moving but quickly fall back asleep. I was still very exhausted from the trauma I went through. Everything was coming back to me so I know that I didn't have any major brain injury.

I remember driving home and then seeing a bright light approaching me. I felt a big impact and then I blacked out. I woke up once in the car while the paramedics were trying to get me out and only remember the pain and fear I felt in that moment. The next thing I now is blacking out and waking up here.

A couple of months later

Months have passed, the first month I stayed in bed all day working on my speech and basis motor functions. Alex has stayed in Seattle ever since the accident and visits me every day. He goes to the hotel and his kids and wife in the evening after visiting hours are over. Meredith stayed almost every night in the hospital sleeping next to me in a chair.

The second month I was allowed to go out of my bed and went physical therapy to get back the firm grip in my hands. Alex came over as much as he could.

At the end of the third month I was allowed to go back home. Meredith brought me home after my 6 month OB appointment. The baby was perfectly fine, thank God for that. 

In the months that had passed Meredith and Alex had turned the attic in a 2 bedroom floor with my room and a nursery. When I first saw the room I was so surprised by it but then an overwhelming feeling of happiness and sadness came over my whole body.

It was now four months since the accident and I was doing so much better. I was walking normal again and I gained back most of my strength in both hands. I still wasn't able to perform surgeries but I went to the hospital for my physical therapy and then to the gallery to watch surgeries. I was now 7 months pregnant and my belly was so big, I was no longer wearing normal pants but just very comfortable leggings all the time.

Alex and Izzie returned back home this week and came by the house tonight to eat dinner as some sort of goodbye and celebration that it was all going well. Alex would be returning to Seattle when I am halfway through my last month so he won't miss the birth of his child. 

The evening

Meredith and I were finishing setting the table when we heard the doorbell. Meredith went to open the door and I heard a very happy "Hello" coming from the door. Izzie and Alex came into the kitchen followed by 2 kids. They gave us some flowers and a bottle of wine and I asked if anyone wanted a drink. The both of them took some white wine, Meredith was drinking red wine and the kids asked for some water. When they all had their drinks Meredith told Zola, Bailey and Ellis to take Alexis and Eli to go play upstairs. The rest of us went to go sit in de living room.

Dinner was ready and we all ate, the adults at one table and the kids at another. I had cooked a homemade pasta from scratch with a delicious sauce and some bread. Alex, Izzie and Mer all complemented my cooking skills and enjoyed their dinner. During dinner there was never a silent moment, we all talked and laughed about a lot of things and we were all having a great evening.

I was very happy that we all were friends like we used to be, I mean I was never friends with Izzie but she is really nice and fun to talk to. Meredith, Alex and Izzie were all friends like they were before they split up, back to the good old times like they said.

When we finished our dinner the kids went back upstairs and we all cleaned the table and put away the dishes. We still had to eat our dessert but that had to wait a couple of hours. We did the dishes, talked and laughed in the kitchen when all of a sudden I felt this pain in my stomach. At first it wasn't that bad so I just ignored it but then there was a second wave of pain which was way worse than the first one. When I felt the pain I let the plate that I held in my hand fall on the floor and grabbed my belly. Everyone standing around me dropped everything and came over to me asking what was wrong. I told them that I felt this pain in my stomach and Alex insisted we went to the hospital. Meredith and Izzie stayed at the house with the kids waiting until the nanny arrived and then when they knew more they could come to the hospital if necessary.

We arrived at the hospital, Carina waiting for us. Alex called her on the way to the hospital and told what was happening. Carina put me in a wheelchair and brought me to an exam room. She asked me to tell her what I was experiencing from pain and checked me out.

"Ok so you don't have to worry about the pain, it is just Braxton hicks. They are completely normal and should go away. If you want we can keep you here overnight but it is not necessary. You do what you feel is the best for you." Carina said walking over to me and looking at me and Alex.

I looked at Alex and asked him what I should do but he couldn't answer for me. I decided to just go back home and enjoy the rest of the evening.

When in the car Alex told me that he and Izzie were going to stay in Seattle because now we saw how fast things can change and he did not want to miss the birth.

We arrived back home, told Mer and Izzie what happened and ate our dessert. 

*A/N sorry for the lack of updates, i just haven't had much inspiration. Idk if i really like this chapter but the next ones will be better!

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