Part Twelve

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I got paged to the pit right after I got ready to start my day. I arrived in the pit and went straight to trauma room 1. There was a mass pile up of the freeway and most of the victims were brought here. I got a woman with abdominal bleeding. I did an echo and saw that she had a grade 3 splenic lac and needed to get up to the OR right away. The surgery was a tough one but the woman made it. We brought her up to the ICU and put my intern on checkup duty. The rest of my day I was in and out of the OR. After 5 other surgeries everything calmed down, I went down to look for Meredith and found her in OR 4. She was operating on one of the last victims. I decided to scrub in and help her out a little. The surgery went very smooth and we finished about 30 minutes later. We scrubbed out and went to go get a coffee.

"Did you hear anything from Alex on how he is doing with the kids?"

"Yes, he send me a video of them playing in the backyard. They are really happy to see him again."

We went to the coffee cart outside and sat on a bench in the park. We talked about the day we had and about what happened. The sun was shining very bright and we were enjoying the silence and nature noises. I held my hand on my belly and a smile appeared instantly on my face. I couldn't wait to meet my baby. I was only 13 weeks but already counting down the days. Meredith and I talked about how I was going to tell the chief, I knew Bailey would understand and be super nice about it but I was very nervous. We talked about it for about 30 minutes before heading back to go look for Bailey.

We knocked on her office and she told us to come in. Meredith was behind me and stayed at the door telling me she was here when I needed her. We went in and I sat in front of the chief. I didn't say anything and Bailey looked at me with a worried look on her face thinking I was coming in here with bad news.

"What can I help you with Jo? Is something wrong?"

"Well no nothing is wrong, I just have to inform you on something."

"Ok what is it?" Bailey sat back down and looked at me with a small smile on her face.

"I... euhh I am pregnant. I wanted to let you know because it will get noticeable and you needed to hear this from me." I said nervously. I knew it was the right thing to do because I would need a break here and then, also maternity leave. Bailey stood up and walked over to me grabbing my hand.

"Jo, thank you for letting me know. How far along are you and may I ask who the father is?"

"I'm 13 weeks today and the father, the father is Alex. That means you will be seeing more of him again here in the hospital."

"Ow that... that is ok. Are you getting back together?" she said hesitantly.

"No we are not, he is still with Izzie but he will help out with the baby. He will be there when I need him, for now he will come to town for my OB appointments and then he'll go back."

"Ok, ok that is ok." Bailey was definitely surprised by the news. "We will make up a lighter schedule for you when you want and when the time is there we will talk about maternity leave. Thank you for telling my. If there is anything you know where to find me."

"Thank you doctor Bailey."

I stood up and left the room, Meredith following me. We went to the attending's lounge to grab Meredith's stuff. Her shift was over so she was heading home. I still had a couple of hours to go so she was not going to wait for me. She gave me a big hug before leaving the attending's lounge leaving me standing there alone with all my thoughts. I went back to the pit and worked for a couple more hours and went home to find everyone already asleep. 

*A/N once again a smaller chapter but i am already working on the next one. This was just one to fill the gaps between the previous one and the next one. 

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