Part Twenty

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Today was my gender reveal party. Meredith and Zola got Alex to keep my busy while they were getting everything ready. I have no idea what they are going to do and how we will find out. The only thing I told them I wanted was for them to just invite some friends, not too many people.

Alex and I were in the park with the twins. We sat on a bench and watched them play and run around with some other kids. My hand was placed on my belly the whole time feeling the baby kick here and there. I was now 7 months and 2 weeks pregnant and my feet are killing me. After every few steps I take I feel like my feet are dying. My belly is huge and super heavy that my back has been killing me lately. I didn't sleep that well this week cause the baby was kicking like crazy and I know that is something positive but so annoying at times. At this point I would be very happy of I could just deliver the baby in the near future and hold them in my arms and never let go.

I got pulled from my thoughts when I felt Alex's hand on my baby belly. I looked up and met his eyes. We looked into each other's eyes and smiles appeared on both of our faces. Our eyes separated when we felt the baby kick and we both looked down at my belly. I looked back up and watched him being happy and fatherly. I refocused on my belly when I felt tears building up in my eyes and needed a distraction. I know that Alex and I are never going to get back together but this was the life we envisioned for the two of us. We wanted to start a family and now, now we are but we aren't together. This feeling hurts but I know I will eventually get over it and find happiness again.

About 3 hours later o got a text from Mer saying that the party was starting in 2 hours and that we should be back at the house in 1. Before we head back we went to get something to eat. We walked through the park with the twins and stopped at this cute takeout place. We all ordered our food and ate it on the way home.

"There they are." I hear Meredith say from the living room the second we walk in. She comes over to me and gives me a big hug.

"Arw you ready for your big day?" She asked very excited.

"I couldn't be more excited. Thank you for doing this Mer." I said as we walked in through the house.

"I'm not the one you should be thanking, most of the ideas are from Zola."

"Where is she so I can thank her?"

We all walked in the backyard and wow it was so beautifully decorated. The whole fence was covered in blue and pink flags and there were balloons and cakes. I was so amazed by all this. I went over to Zola, gave her a big big hug and thanked her for this gender reveal party. We walked around the garden and in the back there it was. We walked over to the big box that had the gender of our baby inside it. On the box were blue and pink scrubs with little stethoscopes and hearts. We went back inside to get some drinks and the last snacks before the first guests arrived.

"Hello!" Someone yelled from behind me. I turn around and see Link standing in the back door. He has this big smile on his face and comes over to me with his arms spread out.

"Hey you." I say as we hug.

"Are you ready for this?"

"Yes, more than ready."

We walk to the kitchen to get him something to drink and more people start to come in.

About 30 minutes later everyone arrived. There was Bailey, Owen, Link, Amelia, Hayes, Maggie and some other people from work.

We all stood in the garden drinking and talking when Zola came to me, grabbed mine and Alex's hand and took us over to the big box. Mer handed Zola a microphone and she started talking.

"Welcome everyone. Today auntie Jo and uncle Alex are going to find out the gender of their baby. My mom and I made this box with the scrubs on it and on the inside balloons in the color of the baby's gender. Obviously blue stands for a boy and pink for a girl. We will all count down from 10 and on 1 auntie Jo and uncle Alex can lift the box and the balloons will start to come out from under the box. Are you ready." She turned to us and we both smiled and said yes. They started counting down and my nerves started to build up.

"3...2...1..." Everyone yelled at the same time looking at us.

We lift up the box and pink balloons came out from under the box. The balloons were attached to a rock so they would not float away into the sky. I looked at the balloons and then at Alex. We both had huge smiles on our faces and I jumped in his arms from excitement. I really wanted a girl and I was having one. When we released from the hug I turned to Mer and gave her a big hug. Mer congratulated me and said she was really proud of how far I've come. I went around the whole room to hug everyone of our friends and accept all the compliments and congratulations. We danced, talked and ate the whole night. The last person to leave the party was Link, he left around 1 am in the morning. We said goodbye and I went straight to bed after being exhausted from the day I just had. The last thing on my mind before I doze off was how amazingly happy I was to be having a girl.

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