Part Eleven

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A week had past and today was my OB appointment, the first one with Alex. It was my 13 week appointment and for some reason I was more nervous than before. I am a doctor so I know what stage of development my baby is in now. The baby is now producing meconium, which will be seen as her first little poop in the diaper and fingerprints are forming on the baby's little fingertips. My breasts will start making colostrum and some cramping can be expected. We were still not going to find out the sex of our baby, I really am really anxious to know if it'll be a girl or boy. Alex and I are going just the 2 of us so that it is not too crowded in the OB room.

I go downstairs and get breakfast, get ready and wait in the living room for Alex. He is coming to pick me up at 10 to go to the hospital. Meredith was already at the hospital being paged in for an emergent surgery at 5am. I packed her some leftover pancakes knowing how much she loved it when I thought about her whenever she was paged in early. Right as I was about text Meredith about the pancakes I heard a knock at the door. I went to open the door and there he was, there was Alex. He had his hands in his front pockets and a little smile on his face when he saw me. I stepped out the door and we walked to the car, he opened my door and I stepped in the passenger seat. We drove to the hospital in silence. We were both still not used to being together just as friends, over the phone we talked but being here in the car together was different. We arrived at the hospital and went up to the OB floor. I quickly texted Mer that we had arrived and were up in OB.

From Meredith: Okay I'm still in surgery, I'll let you know when I'm out. See you later and good luck!

We were waiting, Carina called me in and I laid on the table. Carina looked at me, then at Alex and back at me. She didn't say anything but could sense the bits of awkwardness between us. I know that is going to go away but for now it was what we had to deal with.

"Are you guys ready to see your baby?" Carina asked putting the cold gel on my belly. My belly was getting bigger and now I couldn't really hide the pregnancy as good as before. I haven't figured out how I was going to tell everyone, it's like I can just say: 'Surprise I'm having Alex, my ex-husband's baby.' I am going to talk to Meredith about that later because I had to tell at least the chief. Most of the people probably already had their suspicion but actually telling people scares me.

"More than ready." I said smiling at Carina.

I felt a hand being placed on top of mine and looked at Alex with a surprised and confused look. He returned the look asking me if it was ok for him to take my hand. I didn't know what to say because it was a pretty unusual situation but I allowed it, it make me feel good and calm. Alex holding my hand was something I missed very much so I enjoyed this little moment. Carina put the stick on my belly and the live video popped up on the screen of the ultrasound machine. We heard a heartbeat and looked at our gorgeous baby still holding hands. The baby was growing really good and was still very healthy, no birth defects or any other indication of something being wrong with me or the baby. We still were on the same line about the sex of our baby and decided to wait longer we didn't want to find out right away. We are thinking about not finding out at all and wait until the very lasts moment but then again I really want to know what I'm having. I want to start thenursery and paint it in a pretty color, I know I should go with a neutral colorbut I want to make it into something very special. I want to decorate it intothis pretty little paradise for my baby. He or she deserved it and Meredith hadalready made room for us in her house. She slept in the master bedroom, Zolaand Ellis sleep in one room and Bailey in another one. I sleep in the atticthat she turned into a guest bedroom a while ago because a lot of people livedhere all the time. She said that she would help me turn the upstairs into aroom for me and my baby and maybe if I wanted put a wall up so that we have 2rooms.

Carina finished the ultrasound handing me the pictures of our baby. I held them in my hands and asked Alex if he wanted one to take with him so he could look at the baby whenever he wanted. He looked surprised but that look was quickly replaced with a smile and said he would love to have a picture of the baby. We both still had feelings for each other and this wasn't making anything easier but I loved having him back in my life no matter how hard it hurts. We left the room, I looked at the time on my phone and it was almost lunch time. I texted Meredith asking her if she had time to eat lunch with me and Alex. She replied almost immediately telling me she was meeting us in the cafeteria in 10 minutes. Alex and I went down and sat down at a table waiting to for Meredith before getting our food.

"Hey guys. How was the appointment?" Meredith asked arriving at the table and sitting next to me.

"It was great, I got to see the baby and I am very happy that he or she is very healthy." Alex said smiling at Meredith. He stood up and asked me what I wanted to have for lunch and went to grab me a salad and a burger for him.

"Meredith I need to tell the chief today, do you want to come with me later and prepare me for the conversation please."

"Of course Jo."

Alex came back and gave me my salad placing everything on the table. Meredith was about to go get her food when I took the pancakes from this morning out of my back and gave them to her. She looked at them and gave me a hug. She really loved my pancakes and that I always think of her when she can't have them for breakfast. We had a lovely lunch and talked about various things. Meredith got paged away right after finishing her pancakes and ran to the OR. Alex and I stayed a little longer talking about the baby and how happy we were about us being ok with how things are now. It was less awkward than this morning which was good. I want things to be ok between us and stay good. I had to go get ready to start the day and Alex went back to Meredith's house to spent some time with her kids. They really missed him and now that they had the day off they were spending it with their uncle Alex.

*A/N thank you everyone for 1K reads! Sorry for the long wait but school has been crazy. i hope you liked this chapter. I will try and update regularly and give you guys long chapters but I can't promise anything.  Sorry guys!

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