Part Four

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"I...this...Mer what do I do?"

I looked down at the tests to see that all of them are positive. I can't believe this is actually happening. What am I going to do now? I am still hoping it is just a false positive.

"Do I take the other tests to see really make sure these aren't false positives?"

"No, we are going to the hospital and take your blood. The blood results will then give us a definite answer."

"We told everyone we had the day off so we can't just go in, people will ask questions."

"Jo I own the hospital, I'll make sure no one sees us and then ask them to run your blood under Jane Doe. It'll be fine"
We grabbed our bags and went to the hospital. My palms were sweating, I was so nervous. I thought back to the last time Alex and I had sex and started crying. Mer stopped the car on the side of the road and helped me calm down. I told her what I was thinking and that if I was pregnant I didn't want to do it without him. After a couple of minutes I was calmed down and we continued our way to the hospital.

Once we arrived we went in through the back door and went into one of the exam rooms that was almost never used. Meredith went to get the kit to take my blood and came back 5 minutes later. She took my blood and gave it to a nurse who she had know since her intern year and asked to bring it to the lab and to tell no one about it.

"Ok so now we wait until we have the results."
"When will that be?"

"I put a rush on your results so within 12 hours we will know for sure if you are pregnant or not."

"Mer what do I do when it turns out I really am pregnant? Do I tell Alex?"

"If you are you should definitely tell him, he has the right to know about the baby. But you can decide if you want to keep it or not. What ever you do I'll be right by your side. "

We went back home and I went to lie on my bed. Meredith came in and asked what I wanted for dinner and if I needed anything from the store. I just told her that she should just make whatever she and the kids wanted and that I didn't need anything from the store.

1 hour later

The door opened and I woke up. Mer came in to tell me she was back with the kids and that we were eating pasta. She went back downstairs and started making dinner.

When Meredith yelled that dinner was ready I went downstairs. I sat on the opposite end of the table looking at Meredith. The kids sitting between us. We ate and the kids went upstairs to play and make what little homework they had. I looked at them and I couldn't imagine myself having one and raising it all by myself.

"Have you heard anything from the hospital yet?" I asked Mer when the kids were gone.

"No, but I don't think it is going to take much longer."
We went to the living room and watched some TV when Mer got a page that the results of her Jane Doe were in.

"I am quickly going to the hospital to pick up your results, I'll be back in a minute."

Mer left and there I was dying inside. I am not prepared to be a mom, I can't do this alone. I know that my friends are going to want to help me but I need Alex back. How will he react when he hears the news? Will he come back? I was now all alone with my thoughts and started to freak out.

Mer was back and gave me my results confirming what I was afraid of. I am pregnant.

*A/N thank you all for reading my work. I hope you like it. Let me know what you think and feel free to give suggestions for the next chapter.

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