Part Three

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I woke up in the middle of the night to throw up. I knew it wasn't from the alcohol we had two days ago so I must be getting some kind of virus.

"Are you ok?" I heard Mer walking in and making a washcloth wet.

"I'm fine, probably some stupid virus nothing to be worried about." I said while sitting back up.

"Here drink some water and go back to bed you need to get some rest." Helping me up and putting me into her bed so she could keep an eye on me.

I slept the rest of the night. We woke up to the sound of our alarm at 5.30am. I turned over and looked at Mer getting up. As I was about to get up I started feeling nauseous again and ran to the bathroom with Meredith following me. I threw up a couple of times in the next half hour and felt better after. We got ready and went downstairs to get breakfast. Meredith was baking some eggs when I walked into the kitchen. The smell of these eggs made me wanna throw up again. When I came back Meredith looked at me with this look asking me if I was ok. I went to the table and tried to eat but I could not get anything down my throat. Meredith came to my side of the kitchen island and looked me in the eyes and asked if there was a chance that I was pregnant.

"What are you talking about?"

"You know as well as I do that the possibility that you are pregnant. So when was your last period."

"I don't know." I said taking my phone to look in my calendar. When I saw the date of today the only thing I could say was: "Omg..."

I was late and I am never late. I looked again at my phone trying to see if it was real.

"Mer what do I do? This can't be happening. He left me and now I am pregnant with his child. Mer how did this happen?"

"Jo nothing is sure yet. Ok so we are taking the day off, just tell the chief that you are not feeling well. I am going to get you some pregnancy tests, I'll be back in a minute."

10 minutes later

I was just sitting in my room staring at the walk thinking about what I was going to do if this is real. I heard the door open and went downstairs to see Meredith standing in the kitchen taking 5 pregnancy tests out of her bag. She gave me the tests and I went into the bathroom to pee on them.

"And what now?"

"Now we wait Jo. Nothing else we can do, it'll only take a few minutes."

I had peed on three sticks just in case. The 3 minutes we had to wait were the longest in my life. I was dying inside hopen this was all just a dream and that the tests turn out negative. The alarm went off which means that the results are ready.

"Do you want me to look?"

"Mer I am scared. I can't do this."

"Jo whatever happens know I am here for you and support whatever choice you make."

"Thank you Mer"

"So, are you ready to look?"

"No, but just go ahead I need to know."

Mer took the first test and looked at the she took the other 2 to see if they were all the same. She looked at me and gave me the tests.

What will happen next?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon