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"Seungmin's the heir."

"You mean the ghosts heir?", Felix's dad spoke up. "You know him?"

Felix nooded.

"Part of our group."

Felix's mom and aunt scoot closer to the boys.

"Can we know who your group is, then, you were never one to have many friends."

Felix rolled his eyes playfully as Changbin sat down next to Hyunjin, who stared at the ground like it had the answers to all of his problems.

"That's Han Jisung and Lee Minho, here we have Hyunjin having a mental breakdown, Chan unfortunately is still stuck with my and that little cutie he's holding is Innie, Jeongin but no one calls him that. Seungmin is probably somewhere there being the misterious heir and this is Changbin."

They all nooded expect for Hyunjin.

"You mean Seo Changbin?"

The older nodded and felt his chest tighen as both women and their husbands looked at him in that way. As if he were contagious or just disgusting. It had bever bothered him before, but knowing how much influence his surname had on his life now.

"Don't you think he's a bad influence? Don't take me wrong kiddo, "Chan's mom looked at Changbin. " but your ideas aren't really welcomed in this family."

Changbin let his head fall down, tired of being constantly judged by what his father did, said and thought.

"He's not like that.", Chan let go of Jeongin and pulled him by his hand, the younger kneeling next to Changbin to see if the guy was crying. The adults all stopped as the maknae pouted at Chan.

"He might be a Seo but he isn't like his dad, neither is his brother.", Felix spoke up, sliding and arm to his shoulders as he saw Minho and Jisung sit next to Hyunjin and nood to the four adults, confirming.

"I don't want to judge you wrongly, Changbin, but you need to understand I don't have much good things to say about your family." Felix's father cut him with those words. A lonely tear falling down his face and Felix catching it, starting to fell mad about this whole situation.

"I know sir, neither do I."

This one caught all adults by surprise but, before anything else could be said, another boy appeared by the group, panting hard.


"Hey Innie, yes I know guys I'm sorry but we need to be carefull.", he turned to Changbin." Your paremts saw you, they are coming here and I can't find your brother."

Changbin groaned and the others got up, Hyunjin even woke up from his state as soon as he saw Seungmin and made an effort not to drag him to an empty room and make him listen to him and actually stay there with the others for supoort.

Felix's mom spoke up.

"Okay, what it happening? Why is it bad that his parents are coming?"

As soon as she finnished her sentence Changbin's father spotted him and grinned. He walked carefully, trying not to cause a scene and bowed to the Lee and Bang family.

"I apologize for my son, he got lost, let's go Changbin."

"Fuck off."

His dad's fake smile crumbled down and he glared at him.

"What did you just say?"

"I said fuck of. Now I'm your son?", he lifted his voice making most atention turn to him.

Changbin's dad was taken aback and his expression seemed panicked for a second.

"What are you saying, silly kid?"

"I asked if I am your son now.", Changbin was basicly screaming at this point. Everyone looking at them wide eyed, cameras clicked and filming everything.

"Changbin don't cause a scene, you'll regret it."

The younger scoffed, seeing his brother and his boyfriend reach the circle of people that had formed.

"You'll do what? Kick me out? Pretend I never existed, tell my owm sister you don't have a son? Because in case you have a memory problem, you already did that. Twice."

Murmurs and gasps erupted from the crowd as the Lee couple scooted closer to Felix, who was just a step away from Changbin all the time.

"Changbin I am telling you this one last time, keep it down."

"And I am telling you this one last time. Fuck of."

The moment his dad lifted a hand to hit him, San got in the way and puched his stomach.

"You won't ever touch him again. I'm sick of this, sick of you ruining my little brother's life.", everyone was quiet at this point. "I'm not to blame if you are a disgusting homophobe, he isn't either. Love is love and you didn't only kick me out at 16 because I dared to love, but also beat you little kid over and over again just because he missed his brother, just because he wanted to see me, because he didn't understand what was wrong with it.", he looked over at Changbin, who gave him a small nod, knowing what his brother was thinking. "Ladies and gentlement, let me ask you something. How many of you think Seo Changbin is like his father?", slowly, almost all hands rose, making the younger lower his head.

"Go to him.", Felix turned to see his mom smiling at him.


"You are friends right? I don't know the whole story yet but he sure needs a friend now."

Felix didn't need to be told twice. He took the last step and embraced the shorter, who immediately returned the hug, his hands around Felix's torso, the taller one ignoring the curious looks in everyone's faces. They would know eventually.

"Let me tell you a story then."

"Don't you dare, you faggot.", his dad got up again and tried to run to his older son but two big security men held him down.

"Thankyou, there will be no more violence in my house." Chan's mom stepped closer. "Continue, young man, we are thrilled to hear your story."

San smiled.

"Many years ago, I found out I was gay. That's my boyfriend right there. As I said, this sperm doner kicked me out and never spoke to me again. Changbin was a child, of course he had no idea what wrong or right means, what would get him in trouble or not, so he wanted to see me, and he did. Hidden. But that piece of shit found out and beat me up, then him. He literally beat up his 10 year old son because he wanted to see his brother that had misteriously disapeared from his life. That was not the last time at all, everything Changbin did, every single mention to boys, either friends or even classmates, would result in a beating. So as you see, he was literally beaten into being a homophobe." Suddenly the crowd had a whole difernet energy, Felix saw the looks on them changing as the shorter boy slightly cried in his arms." Eventually we both found our way back to each other. As you can imagine I was extremly surprised when my homphobic brother appeared in my house to apologise, having a new group of very gay friends and a whole new way of thinking." San's smile scread across his face." But you can also imagine how shocked and hurt I was when, only days later, he appeard at my doorstep in the middle of the night bight, bruised, barely even walking, with two bags and no where to go.", Gasps and mumbles where heard again. Chan got a glipse of his family, their eyes filled with regret for how they had treated the other before.

"I have no regrets, you are not my sons, I only have one daughter."

"No you don't."

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