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Seungmin locked his phone after texting his mom he would be staying at Felix's for the night, not wanting her to worry about him. When he woke up next to a smiling Hyunjin and Felix and Chan in their living room the boy slowly got his memory back and asked for explanations. He still had the whole story going around in his head. He knew something was off about Felix the whole time, but he just assumed he was actually a quiet kid who liked to be invisible. Now knowing he was the heir to one of the richest families in Korean, not only in Towm, Seungmin couldn't help it, he wanted to share his own secret with him, but not with the other two around. Chan had helped him earlier, and Hwang too but he still couldn't trust the latters, specially the taller one.

Now, walking allongside this exact person in a random store he couldn't help it but feeling nervous and he didn't know why. Hyunjin was the kind of guy that annoyed him. Everyone knew Hyunjin was the heir to one of the so called "royal famillies" in Korea and he had no intention to hide it. He showed he was rich and powerful everywhere they went and of course that when they got separated from the cousins because apparently Chan still wanted to talk to the younger about something, Hyunjin had went straight to one of his familly stores, just to show he owned things. The employees watched them without saying a word, wandering who was the guy with their boss's son.

Seugmin hated attention.

"Do you think these would look good on me Seung?"

"Don't call me that."

Hyunjin chuckled and pinned the guy to the closest mirror, looking down on him with a grin.

"W-what the fuck are you doing Hwang?"

"Did you really forget the party night?", Hyunjin got serious suddenly. "You seem uncomfortable with me but you don't seem to remember it though."

Seungmin looked at him, confused.

"You really don't.", Hyunjin saw the employees looking at them through the mirror and grinned again. Causing scenes was his biggest talent. He saw two more people at the store looking at jackets but didn't pay them much atention.

"I hate that look,", Seugmin tried to leave but Hyunjin's grip on his shoulder got tigher." Hyunjin what are you doing?"

"Let me remind you of that night then, baby."

And with that he pressed his lips against Seugmin's.

The other boy heard the employees gasp and felt his eyes wide at the touch. It wasn't only until Huynjin licked his bottom lip, asking for more, that Seungmin woke up. He knew he shouldn't but he gave the older the space to do whatever he wanted with his tongue, and it felt like heaven. Slowly, as things got heated, Seungmin embraced his neck and brought him closer, gaining a grin from Hyunjin, still between kisses. Hyunjin bit his lower lip and gasped, remembering they were still kind of in a public place and making himself slow down. He started kissing him slower and more passionatly, until there was no more tongue involved. Seungming whimed as their lips separated for a second, making Hyunjin chuckle. He pecked his lips sofly and finnaly backed away, looking at Seugmin. His eyes were still shut and it was obvious the youngest was trying to catch his breath. His plumpy lips were red and swolen and Hyunjin could swear he was the most beautiful mess he'd ever seen.

"I never thought I'd seen this in my whole life."

Hyunjin and Seungmin turned immediatly, getting away from eachother, only to stare at a grinning Jisung.

"Hwang Hyunjin, you never cease to surprise me."


"So, tell me about it."

Chan sat at a table with his cousin, who had his face burried in an icecream. They had a bunch of bags around them and could finally take a break after some hours buying new clothes. Chan was happy to see him in public without his hood. He was still wearing his balck hoodie and black jeans but at least his face was visible, even though he refused to wear make up and his bruise was still visible as well. It would disappear before Changbin's hickeys, though. Chan laughed as he realized this.

"I'm not going to get a detailed report to you, Chris!"

Felix knew this would be comming. When Chan had screamed Hyunjin obsvously had heard it and they had to find a wierd excuse to cover the fact that Felix and Changbin had slept together. He was scared that Hyunjin had assumed Chan was talking about Lisa, but they couldn't just give it away to him like that, specially with Hyunjin's inability to keep secrets.
Anyway Chan didn't have the time to ask his questions as Seugmin woke up and they had to start off with another story just for him, but now he couldn't escape it.

"Come on, I promisse I wont be too intrusive, but I've heard that someone said they heard someone saying they heard his moans, is it true? He NEVER moans!", Chan immediatly lowered his voice, realizing how wierd that conversation was going to be, but still wanted to have it.

Felix rolled his eyes.

"They heard it right yes, and I didn't even need to do a lot. A little neck action and he was a mess already." , Felix smilled remembering the sight.

"I can't believe this, you ACTUALLY did IT?"

Felix nooded.

"Who topped?"


Chan giggled like a pre school girl.

"I don't even know what to say."

"He looked pretty lost, you know, he had no idea what he was doing in the beginning."

Chan caught Felix's eyes and thought carefully about his next questions.

"Do you think he really wanted it?"

"I gave him at least two chances to stop, I literally told him we didn't need to do it."

"And what did he say?"

Felix licked his ice cream again.

"He shoved his hand inside my boxers."

Chan's mouth dropped before he burst into laughter again.

"I never fucking thought... damn..."

Felix waved at the four boys that arrived at the table now.

Hyunjin and Seungmin looked pretty wierd, but Felix couldn't quite put his finger on what was out of place.

"Hi guys!", Chan smilled at a happy Jisung and nooded at Minho.

Hyunjin sat down and the others followed.

"You will never guess what we just ran into!", Jisung looked like a kid in his chair and Minho laughed at him.

"Don't you fucking dare squirrel boy."

Jisung ignored Seungmin and almost shouted.

"These two were making out in a random store like no one else was there!"

Felix and Chan looked at the two as they saw their faces get red.

"Seungmin, what on earth?", Felix started laughing.

"Wait.", Jisung looked at him." Aren't you Chan's cousin? No wait, you look so much like Felix you even have the punch mark..."

Felix looked the boy in his eyes.

His cover was going to go away anyway.

"That's because I am Felix. And I am Chan's cousin as well."

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