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"I don't even know you dude, but I already love you.", Hyunjin was at the Lee's house, siting in the sofa next to a sleeping Seungmin and staring at the now unhooded Felix

Felix was Chan's cousin, it made sence, they looked alike, when he thought about it. He couldn't believe the whole "he just wanted to be invisible story", it was just too much for him.

"So, you want a makeover?"

"Not a makeover. More like an upgrade in my closet, i'm done being like this."

Chan patted his shoulder grinning.

"We could go to the mall when this cutie wakes up."

Chan looked at Hyunjin. Cutie? Was seriously everyone gay and he had been worried about his gayness for so long?

"Hyunjin, I loved to meet you and all and I'll love to go to the shooping with you but can I talk to Chan alone for a second, we'll be right back."

Hyunjin nodded and turned the TV on as the cousins made their way to the kitchen.

"And don't touch the cutie."

Hyunjin smiled at Felix and nodded.

"So, what the fuck was that?"

Felix sat down and decided to be quick.

"Long story short, Changbin might be a homophobe because he is actually just gay or at least attracted to guys."

Chan laughed.

"No way. Felix there is no eay, he really is the worse, you have no idea."

"No, you have no ideia Chan, I'm telling you he likes guys."

Chan rolled his eyes as Felix sat in the counter.

"How would you know?"Chan took a deep breath before moving on, he knew where he wanted this conversation to go but was scared of the youngest reaction."Straight dudes don't have a gaydar."

Felix let out a chuckle.

"And you do?"

He stopped laughing when he saw Chan's face.

"I do."

"Wait, you're not straight?"

Felix pulled Chan's face to his, the tears starting to fall down as he whispered a small "no"

Felix pulled his cousing into a hug, Chan's arms around his waist as the tears kept falling down.

"Why are you crying, silly?"

"I-i was just s-scared of your r-reaction..."

Felix pulled his head up and stared right into his cousin's eyes.

"You are an idiot, Bang Chan. I love you no matter what, silly."

"Thankyou...", the older felt safe in his cousin's arms, no matter what he would be there for him.

"It's nothing that you have to thank me for, don't be an idiot."

Chan wipped his tears away and chuckled.

"I know, I know..."

"But tell me, you gaydar doens't set of for Chagbin?"

"Never dude, no fucking way."

"You are so wrong Chris, so goddam wrong."

Chan let go of Felix and stared into his soul.

"Wait, how do YOU know."

Felix only smilled.

"Are you fucking gay Lee Felix?"

"You can't just ask people if they are gay, Hyung." felix laughed at the other's facial expression.

"Okay okay, but like, really?"

"I thought it was kind of obvious, actually."

Chan smilled like he had won the lottery.

"Damn. Never thought. But still, my gaydar is better than yours, Chagbin aint gay."


"I mean I'm bi not gay so maybe you shoukd be right but there's just no way"


"He is just so damn straight."



The younger made him come closer, whispering in his ear just to make sure Hyunjin wasn't listening on the other side of the wall.

"Remember the night you found Changbin in the bed at the party? The morning I mean?"

"Yeah, he still has the marks, what about it?"

Felix really wished he wouldn't have to say it, but Chan didn't seem to understand. Suddenly his eyes widenned.

"Was it a guy with him?"

Felix nodded but Chan wasn't convinced.

"Well maybe he was just too drunk and couldn't react to the hickeys but he would never do it with a guy, I know he wouldn't."

"He did."

"How the hell do you know?"

Felix groaned and raised his eyebrow.

It finally hit Chan. His mouth dropped.


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