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Y'all should go read my top Seungmin FF, Cheat :)


"Come on, Felix, PLEASE!", Chan pleaded at his cousin's feet. " I know I am a dick to you at school but I love you Lix, can't you do me this one favor?"

"Why would I go to a party with you?"

"Because I am amazing and pretend I don't know you at school as you ask, I go on with the boys when they bully you because I don't want anyone to find out and... okay I'm starting to see the issue here."

Felix rolled his eyes and took his hoddie off, going to the kitchen and starting to cook ramen. Since their parents were always travelling they left the two boys living in this huge house alone, but Felix couldn't deal with his cousin's reputation and popularity, so, back in school, they didn't know each other, or at least, they weren't friends.

"Look, Lix, I just want to take you out of the house for a while, it's not healthy!"

"So you want to drag me to a stranger's house and get me drunk?"

Chan got to him and turned him around, one hand on each side of his body, not letting go.

"You could hook up with someone", he gave his young cousin a slight smile.

Feliz rolled his eyes and let out a dry laugh, turning his back again on the older and cocking again.

"See? If I were a girl, and I heard your voice, I wouldn't even need to see your face, and with both? Damn boy, i'd fall in love."

Felix rolled his eyes again and laughed when he saw his cousing staring at him with puppy eyes.

"Alright, just this once."


"But Chan. If I get bored I'll just come home."

"No questions asked.", Chan put his pinky out and promissed. "Now let me help you with that."


The next day Felix woke up with everything BUT will to live.

He did the same thing as everyday and got to school as fast as he could, he nodded at Seugmin when he got to class, the only actual friend he had was sitting right next to playboy Hwang and didn't seem happy about it.

Felix sat in the back with his headphones and covered his face as much as he could with his grey hoodie when he saw Chan's blond hair, knowing the other two would be with him.

Just by thinking about the party that night he wanted to die, was it too much to ask to be ALONE?

Felix was almost asleep when something hit his head. Confused, he looked ahead but no one had turned around. He grabbed the small paper and read it.

"Stop fucking sleeping you fag, besides a nerd you like to get your ass fucked, ridiculous boy..."

If he cared, he might have cried, instead he just threw it back at Changbin and went back to sleeping, which left the older way too annoyed.

Felix didn't even care if the whole gay thing was just the older assuming or some actually information leak, even though that would be wierd since no one knew besides Seungmin, and he would never in a million years tell annyone without Felix's consent. Neitherless he didn't give two fucks about it, and maybe that was his biggest mistake.

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