"Okay, agreed. But would a guy who considers you 'just a friend' dedicate the whole goshdarn basketball match to you? Amidst hundreds of people?"

Hinata's face lit up in bright red, as she cupped her palms over her small, agape mouth. 

"See?" Erika continued. She also noticed how that had even pacified Hinata's sobs by now. "He has never done that... For anyone. None of his female friends had that privilege... But look at you girl ~" She insisted.

"Th-There must be some m-misunderstanding..." The flustered girl faltered in half-protest. She still couldn't believe what Erika had opened her eyes to, and it made her feel optimistic and cherished.

"Told ya... There is hope, Hina." Erika reassured her. 

Hinata gulped. "Is it really okay for me to believe that?" She asked hesitantly.

"Of course! If that's not a sign, I dunno what is." Erika said, matter-of-factly. "Or if you want, I can text him now and ask him what he thinks of you-"

"No no! No, p-please! Don't do that, Erika-chan! Please!" Hinata frantically refuted the nightmarish idea.

"Haha, you always fall for my tricks. I won't, Hina... Don't worry." She teased.

Shrinking back in her seat with embarrassment, Hinata failed to control the thoughts that wrecked her mind like a catastrophic tornado. Her feelings were all over the place, but at the bottom of it all, the heart-warming memory of him standing in the midst of the basketball court, looking straight at her with his ocean eyes, gave her peace. I feel like I can fall asleep today, she thought to herself, as she smiled and wiped away the lingering tears from her face. 

As soon as they were done eating, Erika found a quick opening to keep Naruto updated. 

She was feeling insecure. We talked it out, it's all good now. Don't worry, it's not your fault. Now sleep. 
Also, if you don't wanna remain her friend for your whole life, you'd better make a move soon. She may not look ready for it, but she holds you in good regard.

"Who're you talking to, Erika-chan?"

"Um, my groupmate... We have an assignment together... Haha," She hastily covered up. "Can we sleep now?" She quickly changed the topic. 

"Sure... I'll get the extra blanket out..."

"Yay! I get to cuddle with you!" 

"Naruto, that's enough... They're gonna die." A silver-haired man called out for the sixth time, in a bored monotone, his ears sour from the yells of the injured inmates.

"As if I care," Came the echoing reply from a dimly lit jail cell. "For what they did to her, this is hardly any payback."

"Your father's gonna go off on me."

"Haha. Deal with it." The distant voice chuckled with a hint of evilness. 

"NPA General won't appreciate a son with a criminal record, you know."

"If he was in my place, these guys would have been shot dead by now" His laughter resounded again, accompanied by the muffled yells of two men, and the dull thuds of punches and kicks.

Kakashi sighed. He missed the peaceful atmosphere that his station always had. But somehow, every attempt at making the blonde stop had failed until now, and the ruckus ensued. It was starting to get on his nerves. He tried one last time. 

"What'll Ms. Hyuga think of a guy who committed two murders?" He asked cautiously, hoping it would work.

There was silence from the other end for a few seconds. "Urgh, fuck it." A low grumble was heard, along with a stifled thump and a groan, presumably because the tall young lad had just dropped one of the offenders from mid-air by letting go of his collar. "Be grateful I let you off with just this." He spat out spitefully.

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