Chapter 11: Graveyard

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There is a massive blood, gore and swear warning for this chapter!

You've been warned...


Repairs, repairs, repairs... every battle after battle always ends up in repairs for him nowadays.

Mathias has been unsettled. He didn't like the new changes recently. It was one thing to fight an enemy, it was another to work with an enemy to ensure both of your survival, but to not only team up with one of the most controversial enemies and give them access to the ship?! That was taking it too far. He didn't trust the man, despite his 'good intentions'.

He groaned as he laid back in his bed, his ponytail whipping behind him and onto the pillows. He tossed over to his side to look at a clock, it read '9:37 AM'. A little earlier than usual for him to wake up, but not unusual. He yawned, stretching his arms out, but bumping into the bed frame above him. He pulled back his hands and rubbed his knuckles in slight pain. He muttered to himself. He was about to reach for a datapad, when he realized it wasn't there. He sat up and looked around for it, only to remember that he had given it to Commander Holt before he left for Earth. He sighed, then layed back down on the bed. A part of him wanted to join Commander Holt, it would've been nice to see this other Earth for himself. He frowned slightly. No... it wouldn't be like the home he once knew. Nothing would be the same. Nothing from his world exists here. No fleet defending the solar system, no singers like Lynn Minnmei, Sheryl Nome, Fire Bomber, Walkure, etc. It would just feel like a foreign planet to him. Plus, it would break Pidge's heart to leave like that. Mathias sat up when he thought about Pidge.

'I wonder what she's up to? Is she awake for that matter?' he chuckled to himself, 'probably not.' He decided to check up on her. It had been a while since the two did anything together, and he was actually interested in doing something with her today, or at least sometime soon.

When he approached Pidge's door, he gave a gentle knock, but there was no reply. He knocked again, a little harder this time. It wasn't powerful, but it wasn't a gentle knock either, just enough to grab someone's attention. There was still no reply from the otherside.

"Maybe she's in her lab?" He talked to himself as he moved on from her door.

When he opened the door to the lab, he was greeted by the Green Lion sitting in the Hangar. He walked up to her and placed a hand on the giant's paw.

"Hey, girl," he greeted, gently rubbing the giant paw of the mechanical lion. For an odd reason, he felt like it gave him a response, it felt odd, but he shrugged it off. He looked over to his left to see an autumn hair girl laying her head on the table, fast asleep. She was snoring slightly. He quietly laughed to himself as he approached her side. Looking at part of her face, her glasses were laying on the table nearby. He could see dark bags under her eyes.

'I wonder how long you were up to?' He thought to himself, looking down at the small Paladin. Something inside of him said to him she hadn't been sleeping for long. He felt an odd sensation, and looked back to Green, but the lion was still. He raised an eyebrow in confusion, then placed a hand on her shoulder. She stirred slightly, barely opened her eyes and glared up to him.

"....what..." her words were slurred.

"Morning, Katie. I couldn't find you for a while, and I wanted to see if you wanted to do something later today, but I think right now you need some sleep," Mathias chuckled, smiling slightly.

"...let me sleep here..." she waved groggily.

"I think you deserve proper rest in a bed. Come on," he gently picked up the small girl, who at first protested, but gave up a few seconds later. She rested her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes, wrapping her arms and legs around his shoulders and waist. He carried her out of the laboratory and down several hallways.

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