"Excuse me but.... isn't it kind of early for recess." Questioned gus.

"Oh no, it's part of our daily ritual. We always go to recess at 10."

"But it's only-"

"Come on gus. ." Said TJ interrupting gus before he can tell ms grotke what the time was.

"We'll show you around." Said Dede as she led the boys outside.

"Darn solar watches, I'm gonna have to stop buying outta the home catalogs.

Outside on the playground the 6 friends were showing gus around the school.

"Now over there is the jock section, their basically harmless, but you could get a nasty wedgie if you catch them in a bad mood." Said TJ.

"Uhhh... TJ, Dede, can I speak to you both privately please." Asked Vince.

"Sure thing Vince." Said Dede.

"You guys introduce gus to the bug eating kid." Said TJ before the others all left. "We'll catch up."

"What are you both doing, you know the rules, you not suppose to speak to a kid like him for at least 48 hours." Said Vince.

"A kid like him?" Said TJ.

"What'd you mean a kid like him?" Asked Dede.

"You know, a new kid." Whispered Vince.

"Awww come on Vince, I'm not gonna say anything, Dede's not gonna say anything, you're not gonna say anything, the rest of the class isn't gonna say anything, who's gonna know?" Said TJ.


"And way back there is where they keep the kindergarteners pinned up." Said Dede pointing to where the kindergarteners were.

"You wouldn't wanna go in there." Finished TJ.

"I'll say, the last kid that wandered over there, they never saw him again." Said Mikey, but out of no where gus burst out crying. "It's alright, he might just have got transferred or something."

"No it's not that." Said gus as he walked forward a bit before turning and looked back at the group. "It's just, I've been to 12 schools in 6 years and nobody's ever been this nice to me before, it's so beautiful."

"There, there, little guy,." Said Mikey when gus started crying again. "Things are different now."

"Yeah." Said Spinelli as she walked up to gus. "Here you'll always have friends." Before Spinelli could say anymore the sound of drums rang out.

"Sixth graders." A fellow fourth grader shouted before running off. The group of 6 looked back to see king Bob coming, as the dropped to the floor to bow, TJ and Dede both pulled gus down with them.

"Who's that?" Asked gus.

"King Bob, he runs the place." Informed Dede.

"Just be real humble and what ever you do, don'tsay you're a"before TJ could finish his warning he got interrupted.

"HALT." Said kink Bob looking at gus. "Who are you?"

"Oh uh, hey there Bob, your majesty sir, this is uh gus griswald, he's umm..well he's." Stuttered TJ before gus interrupted him.

"I'm a new kid." Making TJ and Dede facepalm.

"A new kid eyy, we haven't had a new kid around here lately. Where's the old new kid." Asked Bob as a kid stepped forward.

"Here I am your highness." He said bowing.

"New kid, you're no longer the new kid from now on you are, you are." Said Bob struggling to remember the kids name until one of the guards whispered to him. "Right, you are Morse P Hingle again."

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