"Tara are you okay?" I give her a worried face and she—to my surprise remakes her face to look like joy, damn she's a good actress. "Why wouldn't I be? We shouldn't keep them waiting."

As we walk through a page announces us, "May I present Princess Tara Fathdon and Prince Dex Dizznee." As we walk in all the chatter dies down, every stares at us, at me in shock. Tara is just as nervous as I, we aren't used to the attention.

If all of the kings had their queens on the throneWe would pop champagne and raise a toastTo all of the queens who are fighting alone

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If all of the kings had their queens on the throne
We would pop champagne and raise a toast
To all of the queens who are fighting alone

"Well done nephew, you accomplished a job that men took years to try. You finished it in less than a week, you are a very worthy Prince. It's a shocker you haven't been found sooner Princess, you look exactly like your Mother and..." his breath catches when he finally looks her over, Jolie.

I watch as people fully take her in, to my surprise she doesn't shrink. She snaps her fingers and she's covered in finery again. "It is a pleasure to re-meet you, Your Highnesses." And gives an impressive curtsy.

Aunt and Uncle looks as if they've seen a ghost, the courtiers on the other hand look ready to spread rumors. "What if Queen Oralie had an affair with the King?" One asks, "Yes, what if King Kenric isn't her father." Another adds. "So your saying the King cheated on Queen Edali—,"

"Silence!" My uncle roars, "Everyone is dis..." he cuts himself off as light shines beneath Tara. "Ohhh, that's why my power was calling to you. You're a mesmer." She pulls up her skirts to show a new scar on her right calf.

"Sweet! That was the last one!" She snaps her fingers again and the blood vanished so we could get a clear view. "I see there are many things we weren't told about when we met you. We should all catch up, I sent word for your parents, they will be here soon. In the time being there will be a guard posted by your side at all time, you'll spend time with Dex, and tell us about yourself."

In translation they have no idea what happened, they are going to interrogate her, call for her parents, she's going to be spied in through the guard, I'm supposed to help her transition from a lower class to a higher one, and more interrogating.

Thanks for the heads up. Tara's voice filled my mind, I turn to see her smiling at the King and Queen thanking them for their generosity. Your welcome?

"I don't need a guard Majesties, I have Sir Randall—my old friend. If you don't mind I'd like for him to have my back, he already knows what I am, so there's no need to worry." Tara says calmly and adds an innocent smile.

"I guess that could be arranged, for now you'll stay in a room near Dex. If you have questions you may also go to him. What is the need of a Prince if he won't help you?" I know it's a jab when Aunt Edaline gives me a pitying look.

Grady doesn't mean to be hard, but after the death of Jolie he's a bit more cold. Distant is more like it, he doesn't want connections because when they die. You're basically the living dead yourself.

"I would love nothing more, Your Majesty. Thank you for housing me while I stay here." She curtsies one more time and sauntered off. When she was finally out of the room the King started speaking, "Dex, Jolie is alive."



As I make my way around the castle I curse myself. Why hadn't I asked for directions, I wade around floor after floor trying to find my way around. Sadly it was zero help, all of a sudden someone grabs my arm and I go into Oracle mode.

"You are," I gasp, "Jolie Lucine Ruewen, daughter of King and Queen Ruewen. Born January first, of the 2230 year. Allegedly deceased along with your very alive husband Lord Brant Ruewen. You're a—," a hand covers my mouth.

"Tara keep it down, they will hear you." She says my name with such familiarity. "How do you know me?" She shakes her head, "That's not important, you need to learn how to ask the important questions. But it's too late now, remember this Tara. Stay with Ruy and your new Princeling, do not trust all the Teal and Ice. They are dangerous, listen to your Human Mother, stay with your Prince." Then she vanished.

"Would people stop giving me cryptic warnings! For my love of Ara, help them! Stupid cryptic warnings, Ezlynn bless them, free their stupid tongues!" I rage walk all the way to Ruy, it was easy to track his mind when all he thinks about is my well being.

"Dude what the hell, why didn't you tell me she's alive?" He gives me a confused look then softens his face, "It's not that I didn't want to tell you, it was orders. I'm assuming Jolie gave you the warning? Brant came to me and said something as equally cryptic to me. I think everyone could hear you screaming." He gives me a playful smirk, but I'm in no mood.

"Well what did Brant tell you? Jolie told me to 'stay with your Prince' as did my Human Mother. She also told me 'do not trust all the Teal and Ice. They are dangerous' like what the hell." When I finish I stare at him silently telling him to tell me what Brant said.

"It'll be easier if I show you. Place your fingers on my temples, I might cut some things out because they are personal." With that I'm allowed in.

Ruy—I—was in a hallway not far from where we are now, he was walking to—seriously. He was walking to my stupid room. When we reached the dark part of the hallway a hand covered our mouth.

"Ruy, it's Brant. You need to listen, it's risky enough the top man sent us here of all places, but Jolie just pressed her panic switch. Tara screamed when Jolie came, I know you hate cryptic warnings but this will have to do." Brant took a long breath and began.

"Follow your Mate everywhere, never let them out of your sight for they are the key, the key to all. They are blessed by (all and more), they are a danger but a savior. Protect them, keep them safe for in time you will see. Stay with your Mate."

The confusion hit first, Mate? (He said he would never love again after what happened with his mother and father, he would keep that vow.) "Brant what do you mean? Why can't you even give me the gender."

"It would put the person in eminent danger, more than they already are in. One more thing because I know what's going on in that brain (Princeling). When you see them again, you won't know, but both of you are hurt. You will heal each other. They will make you trust again and you will help them move on."

With that Brant jogs away, he can hear me screaming down the halls. Instead of checking in on me he laughs, laughs that I dislike cryptic messages more than him. Prick, stupid, stupid prick.

"You asshole, you just laughed at me for throwing a hissy fit when you basically did the same. And to think that it was just Jolie who was cryptic, 'stay with your Mate' Sorry bud, but being elves with indefinite life spans, only one out of seven find their Mates. But question, does that mean they have a Seer? Or are they just this good at investigating?"

I'm about to ask more when a voice not belonging to either me or Ruy says, "So it's true then, my daughter is alive."I turn to see three shocked family members, two crying faces, and one pair of teal eyes.

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