
Start from the beginning

"You must be Mike?" I say to It petting it.
The Giant beast Nuzzles into my touch as if it were my own Pet.
"So you knew me to.." I mumble Putting my hand down.

I take off my backpack and look through it.
"Here." I say holding out a bag of Dog treats.
"Always gotta be prepared." I mumble, Opening the bag and Pouring the contents onto the ground.

"I know its not a lot to you, but still, there ya go" I say, Then i turn around, In the direction of the main Estate.
"Well, i should be going. Bye Mike!" I wave, walking off. 


After walking for what seemed like hours i come across a girl.
"Hello. Your-" She stops herself, her eyes going wide.

"Your Y/N.. I assume... Id advise you to turn back. Though since you have permission from the house i wont prevent you from passing, But i wouldn't assume its the best idea.. You should wait for your friends." She mumbles.

"Im sorry, The thought of being in here alone does terrify the Hell outta me but i refuse to leave without my friend. Without Killua." I say with a smile.

She sighs, stepping aside. 
"Very well. Just.. be careful." She said the last part quietly But i still heard it.
"I will." I say with a smile, walking past her.

So i walk past her, Up a hill. I reach a place that i Assume is the Main butlers quarters, and i knock.

The door opens swiftly.
"Why hello Miss Y/N" Some guy glares down at me, making me feel small.

"Uhm Hello..? Im here to see Killua." i say sheepishly.
"and You are?" He asks sternly.
"Uh.. Oh! Im Y/N!" I say with a smile.

"Lady Y/N? Is it really you?!" He looks about ready to bursts into tears.
"Uhm... Yea? Who else would i be...?" I asks Sheepishly.

He pulls me into a hug.
"Oh Lady Y/N! you look so differently!" When he lets go, he quickly composes himself.
"Master Silva would like to see you back at the Main estate." He says.

"Master Silva? Is that Killua's Father?" I ask Him.
"Yes, it is." He responds
"Now follow me please." And we walk.

"Oh, Yea! Im sorry, i forgot to ask your name!" I say walking up next to him
"I am Gotah." He replies.

"Gotah? Nice!" I say with a smile.


When we reach the main estate, I am in aw.
"This is where Killua used to live?!" I ask in shock.
"Used to?" Gotah asks.

"Well yea, its obvious he doesn't want to be here, Hence why he Used to live here. He ran away, Only coming back because his brother manipulated him." I conclude with a smile, walking up to the door of the main estate.

Pushing the door, I just barely open it.
"Well, thanks for the help, See ya Gotah!" I say with a wave. Entering the estate.

When i walk in, There is a long hallway and at the end of it, and open door with the lights on. My guess is that its the living room and they are all there. I hope at least..

So, i walk down the hall. Stopping in the doorway.
Seeing 4 people.

"Heyo! Im here!~" I say enthusiastically, walking in. 
Though i am scared half to death i cant let that show.

"Y/N?" I here a Sorta high-pitched male voice.
"Thats me!~" i say acting all Bubbly and cheerful.

I scan the room, seeing everyone's faces i stop on one figure that seemed interesting.
Long white hair, much like Killua's fluffy short hair.

"You must be Silva?" I ask the male.
He nods.
Looking around once more i see Illumi.

"Yo! Long time no see Illumi! How does your arm feel?" I ask
Illumi's Deadpan turns into a glare as i speak.
"Are you the one who did that to him?!" A Lady yells.

"Chill out Mrs. Zoldyck. It wasnt me, it was my... Brother I guess." I say.
"You mean adopted brother?" Illumi says, With his deadpan look returned.

"Well no, Technically adopted cousin. But thats beside the point!~" I say with a giggle.

"What do you mean thats beside the point?" The kid from earlier asks.
"Well, I came to get Killua back and thats all. May i ask where i could find him?" I Ask, My hands behind my back.

"No! you will not take my Killua away!" His mom yells.
"Wow, He was right you are kinda crazy." I say with a curious look.

Suddenly someone shoves past me.
"Wow!~ what i nice way to treat your guests!" I say sarcastically.

"And you are!~" I say as politely as possible trying not to roll my eyes. 
"huh? Oh Im Milluki." He responds.

"Well, enough of that. Can i get what i came here for? I'd like to leave asap i do have people waiting for me." I say calmly.

"Im afraid we can not do that just yet." A man says walking in.
"God damnit why are there so many of you?!" I Accidentally yell.
I cover my mouth with a sigh.

"Whatever, This is a waste of my time. He doesn't want to be here get that through your heads." I say turning my back on them, Dropping My bubbly Persona.

"Ill be seeing myself out. Id like to Not see anymore of you until i find Where Killua is in the Awful place" I say.

Then i sigh, Looking up. "poor kids i feel bad for all of you. Born to be assassins. Just to kill. And one of you is friends with a blasted clown who tried to kill me." I say rolling my eyes even though i cant see it.

"Are you trying to make us mad?!" Silva says his voice booming and i could tell he was angry.
I spin on my heels. "Why Ye-" Im cut off.

"Thats Enough Y/N." I hear Killua.
"Oh! Nice of you to join the party Killua! Though, I should probably get going. If you dont come now i can always come back later." I say innocently.

"Not if they kill you. Its best not to make them Mad." Killua says, As i turn around now standing back to back with Killua.

"Well thats no fun now is it?" I say coldly.
"I guess not but if you'd like to live i wouldn't provoke them" He says.

"Well dont worry about me. Ill be fine Kill. Ill get going now, Ill be back in two or three days. Gon and the others with most likely also be here." I mumble the part about Gon.

"Cya." I say walking away, leaving Killua standing there.

Once i finally reach outside, I take a deep breath.
"WHY ARE THERE SO MANY?!" I yell, with a frustrated Groan.

"7 were there? Milluki, Illumi, That one Kid, Silva, Crazy Lady, Grandpa, And Killua. Thats all right? I think" I sigh.

"Kinda wanna walk back in there and drag Killua out. But for the sake of things i wont."

❤↢-----↣❤(So Reader-Chan, For the sake of making this at least Three things long and not only One Author-Chan Decided to make this Arc shorter. Sorry)❤↢-----↣❤

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