"Malia? Where's Y/N?" I ask. She comes down from the common room shaking her head. My stomach does a flip.

"I don't know she didn't come back to the dorm last night, I've told Snape" She says. I raise my eyebrows confused.

"When did you last see her?" I ask shakily. I have a really bad feeling in my stomach.

"Yesterday afternoon, she said she wanted to clear her head," She says. Astronomy Tower. I nod and start walking out id the common room quickly.

"Come on, I think I know where she'll be" I say. She follows me quickly as we get to the door. I try to push it open. "Weird this door is never locked"

"Alohomora" She says, pulling out her wand. The door opens and I almost faint. There she is, laid at the bottom of the stairs. I rush forward and kneel next to her. I move her head carefully to look at her.

"Y/n! Baby wake up! Malia go get help!" I beg as I see the trail of blood down the side of her head. I brush her hair out of her face with my hands. My heart beats fast. I put my hands on either side of her face trying to wake her up. "Stay with me, Y/N/N"

"What happened?" Snape says rushing into the room. His eyes widening at the girl he calls daughter.

"I found her like this, she's ice cold, she must have fallen down the stairs last night" I say trying to help her. He nods and bends down to lift her.

"I've got her" He nods and I let go as he picks her up and rushes to the hospital wing. "Madame Pomfrey!" They stop me going inside with her. I stand looking down at my hands covered in blood. I should have known. I should have been there. The doors open a little while later and I shoot up from the chair.

"Is she going to be okay?" Malia asks.

"She hit her head, Madame Pomfrey said she's got a few broken ribs and slight hypothermia. She also said if you hadn't found her she could have died" Snape says. I sigh and rub my forehead.

"I should have been with her. Why was she alone?" I say shaking.

"She likes to be alone, sometimes you know that. It was an accident. She will be okay" Snape says and he leaves. Malia turns to me.

"She could have died!" I say. "I could have lost her"

"But we didn't," Malia says, wiping her own tears away.

Normal POV

"What?" I ask as my eyes open. Draco comes into view as he hovers over me.

"Hey hey, I'm here beautiful. You're okay" He says and I feel him squeezing my hands.

"Where am I?" I ask croakily. He helps me sit up and I feel a slight pain in my stomach.

"In the hospital, Malia and I found you. You fell down the stairs of the astronomy tower" He says. I try to think back and I remember Pansy. I shake my head as tears fall down my face.

"No" I say. Malia comes over to me and smiles.

"Y/N it's okay, Madame Pomfrey said you might be a bit confused" She says. Draco looks at me confused and I take a deep breath.

"I didn't fall" I admit. I hear Draco take in a sharp breath.

"What?" Snape says walking around the corner.

"I was about to send you a message to meet me there..." I say turning to Draco. He squeezes both of my hands comforting me.

"Tell us what happened," He says in a low voice.

"Pansy showed up, we argued for a bit. She said I stole you. Then her friends came and stopped me from leaving. She..." I start. I feel more tears running down my face remembering what happened.

"Did she push you?" Malia asks. I nod slowly and Draco looks away from me.

"It happened so fast. She just lashed out at me. I tried to grab the railing but my head felt funny. I fell" I say.

"I'm going to kill her," Draco says, standing up. Malia shakes her head.

"Not if I get to her first" She says. Severus grabs their arms and Draco glares angrily at him.

"The both of you calm down. She will be dealt with in the correct way" He warns. Malia steps away as Draco leans against the bed to calm down. "Stay here" He leaves and I look to see some yellow flowers next to me.

"Cedric left those, he wanted to stay longer but he's got to get ready for the challenge" Malia says. I smile at her as Draco finally comes and sits on the bed next to me. Malia excuses herself and gives me a small hug.

"How long was I out?" I ask him.

"Just a day, you passed out at the bottom of the stairs and I found you the next day" He says. I nod slowly as he takes my hands. "I was so scared Y/N. You looked dead. I thought..."

"I'm here baby. I promise I'm not going anywhere" I tell him, he leans his forehead against mine.

"My parents sent you a card, Even Potter tried to come in," He says.

"Really?" I ask, confused. He nods. Madame Pomfrey walks over with a vial of something.

"This is for your concussion, the ribs should heal in a few days but you are welcome to leave as long as you take it easy, no classes for two days" She says and hands me the vial. I take a deep breath and down it. It has a buttery taste. I make a face and hand the vial back to her.

"What about the tournament? My best friend is competing. I want to watch him" I say. She sighs but nods slowly.

"I guess we can make an exception" She says and then leaves. Draco stands and holds his hands out to me. I slowly edge myself off the bed and he helps me stand, putting an arm around my waist gently. He helps me back to my dorm and it's empty.

"Shouldn't you be in class?" I ask. He shakes his head and gets me to sit down.

"Snape said my grades are fine for today," He says. I smile and lean back on my pillows. "Do you need anything?" My heart warms as he checks me.

"Just a cuddle" I say. He nods and slides into the bed next to me. I lean into his chest and feel myself drifting into a sleep.

His Queen, Her King (Draco x Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin