"Draco come on! We will miss it!" Crabbe shouts. I sigh as he takes his hand away.

"We will talk later" He says and turns away from me. The three of them walk out and I sigh going back to the common room. Malia and Blaise instantly stand up. I smile softly at them and shrug. I explain what happened including what Cedric said to me.

"So he just walked away?" She asks. "I could kill him"

"It wasn't really the best place to talk" I shrug and take a sip of my hot chocolate.

"Um Y/N?" A first year says walking over to us. I turn and give them a small smile. "There's a boy named Harry asking for you" I look at Blaise and Malia confused and then walk out to the entrance. Harry is stood with his hands in his pockets.

"What are you doing here Harry? It's late if you're caught you'll get in trouble" I say. He stands up straight.

"I had to tell you something" He says. I look at him confused. He takes a deep breath. "It's about your Dad..."

"Potter! What on earth are you doing here?" Dad asks walking into view.

"She has a right to know!" He says glaring at Dad. I shake my head confused as Draco comes into view.

"Keep your mouth shut!" Dad says angrily. I feel panic as my Dad glares at Harry. I shake my head and I see Draco look at me concerned.

"I deserve to know what!" I shout angrily.

"He's not your father!" Harry shouts. The air rips from my lungs and my eyes widen. I take a step back from them. "Tell her Snape! Tell her!"

"Y/n..." Draco says walking over to me. I look up at him with tears in my eyes and then look at my Dad or not my dad. What the hell is going on? It feels like my heart has been crushed.

"Dad?" I ask quietly. He sighs and glares at Potter as Malia and Blaise come out.

"What's going on?" Malia asks then sees my face. "Y/n breathe..." I turn and look at my Dad who looks grief stricken.

"Someone tell me now!" I shout angrily. They back away from me slightly. I look up at my Dad. "Harry?"

"It's okay Harry, I'll take it from here" Someone says walking through. I look at him confused as he comes into the light.

"Professor Dumbledore?" I ask. He sighs and pats Snape's shoulder.

"Perhaps we should go somewhere quieter" He says. I shake my head and I feel Draco take my hand. I can't concentrate. All I want to do is cry my eyes out.

"We just wanted to protect you, Y/n please forgive me" Dad says and I glare at him.

"It's true?" I say and start shaking as more tears fall. "I want to know now!"

"You're his" Harry whispers. My eyes widen and I shake my head as tears stream down my face. Draco stiffens beside me.

"I'm who's?" I ask, getting impatient.

"You were born Y/N Y/M/N Avery" Snape says. I look at them confused.

"One of the Sacred 28" Draco whispers from next to me. My head feels fuzzy.

"I don't understand, why would you hide that from me?" I ask. Dumbledore sighs and walks forward.

"When you were born, your parents were killed. Both of them" He says and looks sadly at Harry. "They were killed by Tom Riddle or..."

"Lord Voldemort" I whisper and run a hand through my hair as my heart breaks even more.

"Y/N, he took you from them. He needed a pure blooded Slytherin heir. Your parents were his most loyal followers so they agreed" Snape says. I shake my head and choke on my tears. "He needed you. Your mother was meant to give him an heir, a son. He would inject her with his blood to ensure you had his blood running through your veins. When she gave birth to you he was furious. But he didn't have time. He was being hunted down" I begin to feel really sick and the room starts to spin.

"After he'd killed my mum and dad" Harry admits. I back against the wall and hold my hands over my ears.

"Y/n please..." Snape says. I shake my head and fall onto the floor. "I tried to change his mind, your mother was my best friend. She begged me to help you"

"Don't you dare come near me" I say angrily. "How could you lie to me? I belong to him! How can any of you even look at me?!" I tune them all out and dig my nails into my hands. Tears streaming down my face.

"Let me talk to her, she shouldn't have found out like this, Malia, Blaise go back inside. Potter piss off before I do something I regret" Draco says as I rock on the floor. I feel him kneel down next to me. "Y/n listen to me please..."

"How can you even look at me?" I choke out. He takes my hands.

"Because I'm in love with you" He says and my heart stops. I look up at him. "This doesn't change anything, you are still Y/N, the beautiful and strong girl you've always been to me. Your parents don't change that"

"What if he comes back?" I whisper. He puts his hands on my face. I look at him in the eye.

"Then we will deal with it together," He says. I nod slowly and he pulls me into his arms.

His Queen, Her King (Draco x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now