"I don't know why I never drink with you guys, this is so fun." I mumble, my eyes struggling to focus on Hallie as I lean forward, my hand catching my weight on the couch.

   "I know!" Hallie grins, laying down on the couch, her face smushed into the pillow as she smiles lazily.

   "I'm calling Zayn, m'fucking telling him I don't like him right now." Tiff grumbles, digging her phone from her bikini top. I laugh at the way her fingers tap everywhere but the screen, the call finally going through on FaceTime.

   "Hey, babe what are—"

   "I'm mad at you, Zayn Malik." She cuts him off, Hallie and I scrambling to fit into the frame, waving over the screen with lazy smiles plastered on our lips. "You yelled at me." She continues, my eyes blurry as I rest my head against Tiffs.

   "Are you guys drunk?" Zayn asks, the camera dropping from his face as muffled voices talk over the microphone, his face coming back into view on the screen.

   "Yeah we're fucking drunk!" I shout, grinning stupidly at the camera as Hallie and Tiff laugh, Zayn shushing is over the phone.

   "I'm not coming home, like, ever. I'm living with Clover from now on because she actually loves me." Tiff voices messily. "And Hallie is living with us too." She continues.

   "No boys allowed." Hallie slurs, Nialls face coming into view as he looks over the screen. I continue laughing, the boys all talking nonsense over the phone.

   "Can you tell Harry I still love him? He didn't text me back!" I call over the phone. My heart jumps in my chest as a gasp escapes my mouth when Harry comes into view.

   "Clover, yes I did, I called you." He voices, my eyebrows furrowing at his tone. I huff and look around for my phone, giving up almost immediately when I don't see it in arms length.

   "Someone's grumpy." Tiff laughs. Hallie reaches over and ends the call, doing us all a favor as we laugh childishly like we just made the best prank call ever. "I am so glad Niall found you, Hallie." Tiff says after a moment.

   "Me too, he deserves to be happy." I sigh, leaning into Tiffs side. "And you like are the girl version of him, it's so funny." I continue, wrapping my arm around Tiffs back.

   "He is so perfect, I'm glad he has friends like you guys honestly. I was so scared we wouldn't get along." Hallie speaks, a smile growing on my lips.

   "We're all best friends now." Tiff nods, all of us looking at my front door that is pushed open, my heart leaping in my chest at the sight of Harry.

   "My baby!" I shout, pushing up from the couch and stumbling towards him. "I didn't know you were coming over." I continue, Harry pulling my bikini top up causing me to look down at the movement, my chest fully covered again before I look back at him.

   "Mm didn't know you were drinking all of a sudden." He mutters to me, a frown falling onto my lips as I stare up at him. He ignores my gaze and glances over at Tiff and Hallie who are being collected by Zayn and Niall. I frown, leaning into him, his arm wrapped loosely around my back. "I'll see you guys later, yeah?" He calls at Zayn and Niall, his chest vibrating against my ear.

   "Bye Clo!" Tiff and Hallie shout at the same time, immediately being shushed as my door closes a small laugh escaping my lips.

   "Oh my god, Harry guess what." I mumble, pulling away to look up at him. He stares down at me, raising his eyebrows at me as a way to urge me to go on. "My parents divorce got finalized like last week or something!" I laugh, his face immediately falling as I wander over to my couch, plopping down with a huff.

   "Last week?" He questions, moving to sit down beside me. I nod my head, moving to straddle his lap, his hands immediately assisting me to his lap, keeping a firm hold on my hips. "Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

   "I didn't know until earlier, my dad texted me and I forgot about it." I laugh, running my fingers through his soft curls. "My family is officially over." I mutter with a lazy smile.

   "Their still your parents, baby. Still your family." He mutters, my hands pushing his curls back and out of his face.

   "You're my family, that's it. And I'm perfectly fine with that. You're all I need." I whisper, Harry reaching up to gently grip my wrists, bringing my hands away from his face as he stares at me. "You're all I need." I repeat.

   "Is that why you're drinking tonight?" He questions quietly, placing my hands in my lap before he reaches up to fix my top again. "I know you don't drink, baby. And you can't hide from this with alcohol." He continues.

   "Who gives a fuck, I don't and apparently neither do my parents." I shrug, beginning to move off of his lap. He only tightens his grip on me, keeping me placed on him, his eyes searching mine.

   "It's okay to feel upset and be angry, Clover. You have every right to feel angry or sad." He tells me. I let out a short breath as I shake my head, pushing my hair behind my ear.

   "I don't feel anything, my family was over a long time ago, it's just written down somewhere now. There's no difference." I state, Harry frowning at me as he leans forward and presses small kisses to my cheek.

   "Well I'm sorry, and I love you no matter what, Clo." He whispers against my skin. I sigh quietly, wrapping my arms around his neck, cuddling closer to him as I feel my buzz begin to fully wind down. Harry's quiet humming is enough to put me to sleep, his voice smooth and low as he hums a quiet song, his chest vibrating against mine as I close my eyes.


Happy updateeee I'm sorry it's kind of boring right now but there's more to come! We just needed a little break.

Vote and comment if you're feeling it

Much love

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