Chapter 2: Escape to the United States!

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Wednesday, July 20th, 2017. Sussex, England. 2:08 am (1 and a half hours since we ran away)

Emil hastily elbowed Alfred in the ribs, waking him up after a few seconds. "Wha-? Hey, Emil, stop! I'm awake!" He exclaimed, half awake. "Whaddya want?" "We're almost to the station." Alfred blinked the sleep out of his eyes. While nodding, Alfred reached down to grab his bag that shifted under his feet. The train stopped just as the 5 of them held their stuff. They got off and followed the line of people heading towards the airport.

Peter held Ivan's hand as they walked so that he wouldn't get lost. He was happy they let him come; he didn't know what would happen if he was told no and had to stay in an unwanted place. He looked ahead at the others as they mindlessly chatted as if they've known each other for years when in reality, it's only been a month. 'I wonder if anyone will miss me, I mean, Wendy and Sebastian might, oh and Raivis, but they'll get it over it, right? Oscar and I weren't THAT close, so he probably won't miss me, same with Hubert. Jason will probably be happy. So will Erland. Erland will probably be ecstatic and throw a big party and turn my bedroom into a computer room. Mama and papa will stop fighting and-' "Peter?" Peter snapped out of his thoughts to see the other four looking at him worriedly. "Oh, I'm sorry, everyone! I got lost in my thoughts..." The others gave a satisfied nod and continued into the airport.'Was I thinking for that long?'"Da, you were." He looked up at Ivan, surprised that he had just read his mind."What were you thinking about, little one?"

Peter hesitated on the question. He didn't want the others to think that he was having second thoughts about coming because he wasn't. He shook his head quickly before replying with "My friends and family" Ivan widened his eyes. "Oh, are we having second thoughts?" "No! No, not at all! I just worry about them, y'know? Are they going to miss me? Or are they going to celebrate because I'm finally gone? I know Erland will, but what about Hubert? And Oscar? And Jason? And Wendy and Sebastian?" "Listen, kid; if you want to know how Seb feels truly, he'll probably miss you greatly. The number of times he'd come home and tell Feli and I stories of the weird adventures you guys would go on is way too many to count on two hands." Peter looked up to see that Lovino had fallen in step with him and Ivan. "Y'know he'll miss you too, right?" Lovino bit his lip." Probably but he'll get over it quickly; he still has Feli. Oh, there's security. Let's go before the line gets longer." With that, the 5 of them quickly hurried to the security line. As they waited, they started asking each other more about themselves. Peter learned that Lovino and his brothers were initially born in Italy and moved to the UK when he was 8. He also came to know that Ivan was from Russia. The random chatting continued for a good 20 minutes before making it to the metal detectors.

They got through with barely any trouble. One of the security guards did ask why Ivan and Lovino were with a bunch of kids. Luckily, Ivan lied and said they were adopted siblings travelling to visit their sick grandmother in New York. Alfred had to get pat down because he forgot to remove his glasses before going through.

Once they got to the terminal, Alfred dropped his stuff and sat down on a nearby bench, the others quickly following his lead. He looked at the clock that was just behind the flight attendant at the desk.' 3:01. We have an hour till our flight, and I'm hungry as fuck' "Hey, Imma grabs something from the store over there. Anyone want anything?"

"Apple Juice and a chocolate chip cookie, please!!"

"A blueberry muffin for me, please."

"Just some water and a can of pringles."

"I wouldn't mind a Gatorade."

"Okay, so I got an apple juice and a cookie for Peter, A blueberry muffin for Lovino, a water and pringles for Emil, and a Gatorade for Ivan..does that sound right?" Everyone nodded their heads. "Coolio, I'll be back in 10" Alfred turned and walked back towards the shop. While he was hungry, he also needed some time to think. 'I can't believe I'm doing this. Who would've thought that I, the Hero, was running away from his problems. If dad knew, he would have a fit" He paused in the drink aisle and started to look for the requested drinks. "What the hell am I thinking, course he's going to fucking know. When he goes to wake me up and force me to do chores all while screaming at me because I didn't do it correctly, he'll see that I'm gone because I was sick of him treating me like a maid! Ha! I wish I could be there to see the look on his face when he realizes that I ran away and now he has to do the chores."

"Do you need help, sir?"

Alfred jumped in surprise. The lady that was working the cash was standing next to him now. "Oh god, you scared me! But no, I'm good, I just got lost in thought, that's all!" The lady sighed in relief and went back to the cash register. Alfred grabbed the rest of the items and paid, ensuring he kept track of his cash. Once he got back, he handed everyone their respect items and opened his breakfast sandwich.

"I can't believe I'm running away with people I met a month ago and my 'nephew'" Alfred's blue eyes shot towards Emil. "I know what you mean. If someone told me two months ago that I, the heir to Vargas Art Company, who has had everything I ever could want, was running away. I would have laughed my ass off." Alfred chuckled, Emil smirked, and Peter giggled. " I'm gonna miss it here; it was a nice place to grow up," Ivan spoke up. A wave of sadness washed over everyone. "C-come on, guys! Don't be sad! We're going to a new place that none of us have been to before! We'll make new memories there, right?" Peter exclaimed, trying to lighten the mood. It worked, everyone's eyes lit up, and they all started chatting about the new schools and all the different places and things they could see.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, we are now boarding flight A01234 to Buffalo, New York, United States. Please have your passport and boarding pass ready at the gate."

The five boys looked at each other before grabbing their stuff and making their way to the gate. They swiftly got on the large plane and shoved their things in the overhead bins. In front of him was Peter at the window, Emil in the middle and Ivan at the end. He was sitting in the window seat while Lovino sat in the middle next to an elderly lady who smelt like cats.

At last, the door was closed, and the plane made its way towards the runway. As the flight attendants did the safety presentation, Alfred looked out the window at the other aeroplanes either coming in or taking off. "Goodbye, Papa, Dad, and Matthew, I'll miss you all." With that, the plane rose into the sky.

Lovino Vargas (19) - South Italy

Feliciano Vargas (16) - North Italy

Sebastian Vargas (13) - Seborga

Alfred F. Kirkland-Bonnefoy (15) - America

Matthew P. Kirkland-Bonnefoy (15) - Canada

Ivan Braginski (20 turning 21) - Russia

Emil Bondevik (13) - Iceland

Peter Oxenstierna-Väinämöinen (9 turning 10) - Sealand

Erland Oxenstierna-Väinämöinen (9) - Ladonia

Jason Jones (14) - Molossia

Oscar Cooper (12) - Hutt River

Wendy Cooper (9 turning 10) - Wy

Hubert Edelstein (8 turning 9) - Kugelmugel

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