Chapter 3- The Fourth Eldest Brother.

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Ezra came right up next to the staircase, merely a foot or two away from where Brynn was trying to become an inanimate object. She nearly choked on her breath, he was so much scarier up close.

He was still on his phone, "you're talking, but all I'm hearing is utter shit." He listened to the other end as Brynn looked to her right. She could sneak that way and go up the stairs unnoticed.

Her eyes looked to where Ezra still was, on the phone and then back to her plan. She moved her right foot out, her body following it only to strongly flinch when a hand grabbed her left upper arm.

She gasped, choking on her breath as her head shot down to look at the rough bandaged hand, holding her arm. She looked up, fearing what was going to come.

Ezra was still on the phone though, looking straight on, not at her. She stayed still, worrying over anything that might happen. Ezra was terrifying.

He hummed unamused into the receiver, listening to what the other person on the phone was saying. Brynn could hear the faint voice on the other line, and she probably would be able to hear more if she wasn't panicking so much. Her chest felt tighter. Please let me go.

"I'll deal with you later." The voice on the other end sounded frantic as Ezra removed his phone from the side of his face and pressed end call.

The second his phone was slipped into the left pocket of his gym shorts. Brynn's breath hitched as he pulled her out from the darkness to directly in front of him, not releasing her arm.

They made eye contact, his glaring, vibrant eyes a little darker. She tried to move her arm out of his hold, but she couldn't even budge it.

"Has nobody ever told you that eavesdropping is considered rude?" he sneered, his face moving closer to hers.

Brynn audibly gulped. She had no words she could spew out. Please let me go.

"Hm?" he raised an eyebrow, harsh look deepening.

"Was- I was- just going upstairs," her words came out breathy and shaky and she took her time time getting them out.

In no way did Ezra look like he was going to let her off. "And you just so happened to listen into my private conversation on your way up, did you?" his voice sounded really deep.

"I'm sorry," she said, using her right hand to grab his hand to try and peel it off her arm. She used all the upper body strength she had, trying to release herself, yet nothing seemed to budge him.

"I'm sure you are, Brynn," he drawled, squeezing his grip, "is this going to happen again?"

Brynn shook her head frantically, earning a tighter squeeze. She cringed and winced, "no, it won't. I'm sorry, I promise."

Ezra was silent and Brynn still struggled to be released. His silence wasn't at all comforting. His silence was worse than when he was talking.

"What's that?"

Brynn stopped struggling. Her eyebrows screwed up as she took a good look of his face. His eyes were zoned in on her left shoulder.

She looked down, noticing the jumper she was wearing had come down slightly. She used her right hand to pull it up, "nothing."

Ezra's eyeline was back on her, still blazing. "Go." He let go of her arm and stood back up. The girl wasted no time in backing away and hurrying around and up the staircase, rubbing her arm and drying her eyes.

In her bed, she pulled the duvet over her head. She wasn't so thirsty anymore.


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