Last part. ((Jelles POV))

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Me and josh have been dating over a year now and were happier then ever, Sanna found a man and she's happy, Crainer is still Crainer he makes daily videos with me and josh now. Jordie stoped making content with us. Jordie and Azzy broke up. Sadly. But anyway me and josh are closer then ever and haven't had a fight in forever! We keep are at home life private lol. The fans now no about us and no ones mad everyone's supportive I mean some don't support which is fine! Josh is still rude to me and does short jokes- and I give him heavy jokes a lot most people try to ruin are relationship. We just don't acknowledge them. Now with all said let's give you a glimpse of are life! -Jelle

"BABE!" I yelled "WHAT!" Josh yelled "dinner is ready!" I yelled "Okay! You probably burnt it!" Josh yelled walking down the stairs jokes on him I lied and didn't make it. "Come see!" I yelled "you brought food nice" josh said "I made it!" I yelled "Baby you can't cook I no u ordered it anyway it looks amazing." Josh said and I laughed looking defeated.

((Josh's POV))

So it's been 5 months since I stopped selfharm and it's been 3 since I started to eat normal! I got help for my depression and anxiety, and now I'm happier then ever I'm happy with jelly and I over thought so much we've down so much this past year last year I went through hell. Now I'm in heaven especially in the bedroom haha. Lol anyway I guess happy endings are real because this was my happy ending!.

(2 weeks later Josh's POV)

I was crying my eyes out in the hospital. Jelly was hit buy a car then another one ran him over and the doctors said he may not make it. I was having a Panic attack everything we worked for everything we went through no he can't die on me fuck why?! God why would he do this to me! To us I'm not ready to let go now yet not ever! Jelly PLEASE wake up. I need you. "You may go in there he's holding up but we're not sure he'll make it." The doctor said leaving his room and I ran in there "Jelly I'm so sorry" I said crying "if your suffering please let go." I said again still crying "just no I'll be there with you, you won't be alone for long. I promise, but I need you to stay with me if you can fight if you have to." I said crying and I felt someone grab my hand "Jelle?.." I whispered "josh I'm s-so sorry.. I can't hold on much longer just no I-I love you:."Jelle said "Jelly no I'm so sorry it's my fault omg no please!" I cried and then jelly's heart beat stopped. "NOOO." I yelled and fell to the floor and the doctors rushed in and they pulled me out of the room I couldn't stop crying if felt like life hated me and took the one thing I needed most. Fuck fuck fuck jelly please.. please.

((Crainers POV))

I stood in a cemetery looking at my best friends graves fuck why did they have to leave me like this. But.. they were fake anyway I signed and walked to my car and drove home I lived with josh and jelly well used to. I walked into the house and see josh cooking and jelly laying on the couch. He was hit by 2 cars and josh was a little maid I was moving out and josh and jelly were getting a apartment. I signed "hey jelly how you feeling?" I asked "I'm feeling fine." Jelly said I walked over to josh. "How is he?" I asked "he's getting better but you no impact is still his downfall." Josh said "I can't believe this happened. I still can't comprehend that jelly was dead and somehow came back." I said "same. It was a miracle." Josh said smiling. "Good day boys I'm going to my room." I said "okay" they both yelled.

700 words.

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