Chapter 50: Masked

Mulai dari awal

His face is full of conflict, but I do not want him to doubt whatever those thoughts of me are. I stare at his drooped figure not knowing how to tell him I think about him too.

My stomach is an endless pit of butterflies. I briefly shut my eyes gathering any bravery I have and then I nosedive into black hole territory. I dip forward gingerly pressing my lips up against his.

Our mouths brush and I immediately absorb the enticing taste of spearmint that I now associate with him. He falters for a brief moment, before matching me, his lips desperate for my own.

His hand comes up and pulls my face to him deepening the kiss. His smooth lips are scorching as he presses into me more demanding and possessive than I imagined. Electricity bursts everywhere he touches. He grabs my hips pulling me down until I am in his lap. I almost gasp out loud at the smoothness of the motion. His tongue slides into my mouth, but before I can even fully enjoy the moment he surges away from me. He scrambles back like I some kind of poison.

"Oh my god, what on Earth am I doing?" He mutters appalled and abruptly stands up retreating backward.

I lean away from him hurt.

"What?" I croak staring at him, my lips still tingling.

He turns from me avoiding my eyes and flattens his hand against the wall. He curves his head underneath it and exhales loudly.

"I am so sorry Emma I shouldn't have done that."

I stand up, tears forming.

"Why would you..?" I murmur. Oh gosh, I take a broken step back. That was not what he meant. The thread of hope I was holding snaps to millions of pieces. My hand flies to my hollow chest as I take a desperate breath. I suddenly feel like I am suffocating. I cannot handle this. I need to do anything to get away from this sharp pain crushing down on me. I stamper away from his direction and without looking back I do what he does best. I run. I force my feet into motion flying from the room and his voice treads on my heels.

"Wait, Emma!"

But I don't stop. What did I just do? I made a move and he pushed me away. I choke back a sob wanting to rewind the night. This can't be happening. I am going to wake up and this never happened. I tear the stupid mask off my face as I make as much space between me and this house as possible.

The party, the uber, they all blur past me as I race back to my dorm. I collapse into my bed, burying myself in my covers unable to breathe. I grasp my pillow taking shuttering breaths.

A pounding on my door starts. "Emma!" Bash's disembodied voice spills from the door.

I shake my head pressing farther back into my bed, my vision blurry. No. No. I will not do this now. I will not have him pitifully explain to me that he doesn't actually have feelings for me. I know my crush has always been delusional and I am most likely further destroying our friendship, but I cannot face him. I need everything to just stop hurtfully replaying in my mind.

"Emma, please," he begs. I stay silent squeezing my eyes closed, my chest quivering. I push myself to sleep and eventually his voice and the night goes quiet.

 I push myself to sleep and eventually his voice and the night goes quiet

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

*author's note*

I'm sorry for the cliffhanger don't hate me 😬. This was hard to write, but it is part 1 and the next chapter will be part 2. How do you guys feel? What do you think Bash is thinking??

I hope everyone is doing well and safe! Thank you for reading ❤️ I appreciate each and every one of you who continue to read with me :) Send me a vote if you love Sebastien & Emma and just want them together!

P.S. I meant to post this mood board last chap

 I meant to post this mood board last chap

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.
Masked AttractionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang