They ran ahead quickly, luckily, they did not attract the attention of the people ahead...Gon didn't need any unwanted attention.

They walked in the alley, Haku breathing out a sigh of contentment, "That was close."

"Yeah, it was." Gon spoke, his tone already changing, going completely unnoticed by the naive boy ahead. "C'mon, Gonny, let's go."

You don't get to call me that...only HE gets to call me that...

He walked ahead for a few seconds, stopping when he didn't hear a second pair of footsteps behind him, "Gon?" He turned around and was met with a dark alleyway.

His breathing became frantic, "Gonny?"



He heard a yell before receiving feeling impact on the back of his head, crying out in pain. He stumbled a bit before he felt something hit his head once again, only this time much harder. "You can't call me that! Only he can call me that!"

He fell on the ground, letting out a silent sob as he held his head. Terrified and confused he knelt there.

"Oh, would you shut the fuck up?" The voice snapped. The voice was so familiar to him, he looked up, tears continuing to pour as he saw Gon himself, holding what seemed to be a worn out bat.

"G-gon? Why?"

"Why?" Gon glared at him, then a split second later making a move as if he would hit him causing him to flinch, making him laugh sadistically. "I don't need to tell you why, it's not like it's gonna matter in a minute or so."

He cried as he felt blood trickling down his head, the back of his skull hurting immensely, a ringing echoing and bouncing around his head.

"Let's just say Killua.. or really anyone won't find you attractive anymore."

"G-gon, please, I promise.. if this is about Killua, I won't ask him out."

"Ah, My sweet little Haku, you see, we both know that's a lie in're just trying to get out of this."

He sobbed not wanting to accept the outcome. "But it's a bit too late, Haku, you can just admire Killua in the afterlife, if there is one..where he'll never notice you, but I guess he never did notice you in the first place."

"P-please, stop!" The slightly smaller male attempted to crawl away, however his current injuries prevented him from getting any distance.

It was over within minutes, Gon had killed him.

It was quiet.

Gon did so much damage, he broke the bat by accident.

He stared at the body, not feeling an inch of sadness for the deceased, he felt numb.

It was so quiet.

The faint sound of evening traffic, small planes flying overhead, a nice calm breeze cooling his head and the steady beat of his heart.

A small smile creeped along his face...he felt a rush of happiness.

Kil is mine now

He was so very happy, giddy at the thought of eliminating his love rival so fast. Then it hit him...he needs to get rid of the body. He groaned in irritation, but luckily spotting a dumpster nearby.

Gon lifted up the lifeless body, thanking the gods for letting him be strong enough. There was a compact empty space in the container and threw the body in the small space, fitting him perfectly in place. He found a few full trash bags nearby, picking them up and tossing them on top of each other, making sure they were snug enough and covered the entire body perfectly.

He looked at how to dispose of the blood and luckily, there were large, dark clouds overhead indicting it should rain so that'll wash away all the remains. He cleaned up the scene some more, disposing of the bat as well. It was dark enough so no one could see the blood stains on his uniform so he would get home with no problems.


He took one last look at the area, smiling to himself as a good job before heading home. That night he did his laundry extra carefully, made himself a small dinner, took a nice shower, and slept soundly with a content smile.

The next morning he seemed a lot chipper than usual; of course he was happy, he was able to protect his Killua from anyone else that had plans of winning his heart.

He dropped his backpack off, gathered his books and headed to his homeroom earlier than usual.

"Mr. Freecss, you're here earlier than usual, and you're looking a lot better today." Mr. Jung; Gon's homeroom teacher chimrd.

"Yes, I'm feeling a whole lot better. I was able to get a lot of stuff done and I feel so relaxed now." Gon sighed happily as he sat in his seat.

"Well, I'm glad to hear it"

Soon the rest of the students poured into the classroom and into their seats as the bell rang loudly throughout the school. Gon listened like usual, while also daydreaming about his loved one on the floor level above him and Gon's mind wondered to what Killua would look like topping hi-

The class was startled when a loud beep echoed around the school, signaling the dean was about to make an announcement through the speakers.

"Attention all students, we would like to announce and inform you that one of our fellow students, Park Haku, has been missing since last evening."

All the students gasped simultaneously, Gon, however, became as stiff as a rock.

"His parents informed us this morning when he didn't return home last night. They have contacted his friends and anyone else that could've been with or have seen him, the authorities have also been informed and will be interviewing a few students at a time. If you have any information regarding his disappearance, any information would be appreciated. Thank you."

The second the intercom beeped signaling the end of the announcement, everyone began murmuring to each other, Mr. Jung attempting to calm the classroom down.

Gon sat in his seat, looking down at his desk, thoughts rummaging in and out of his head of anything that could possibly lead back to him. He nervously began to fidget with his hands, he didn't know what to do. He kept thinking of the night before and everything he did to clean up the act, but what if someone saw him? What if someone saw him leave with Haku and they tell the police?

Gon was scared as hell.

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