16: GREYSON-The More She Punches, The Harder I Fall

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The rest of the week was spent studying tapes of previous games, lifting, doing tons of drills, and jerking off incessantly. This might be the longest I've gone without pussy since I lost my V-card. And I've been full-blown jerking it to Syn, unsympathetically, because I haven't seen her in a while. So I decided to conjure her up in my mind, specifically riding my face with her cheer uniform on.

But I decided I needed to kill that fantasy when my penis cracked in half under the constriction of my jock strap from my violent boner, watching her flip around in her uniform at tonight's game.

We played against Syracuse and not gonna lie, they had us in the first quarter. But we recovered quickly, and my boys and I played dirty, in the best way. The recruits looking impressed was a close second to that sexy little cheerleader jumping in my arms after the dub.

My ears rang and my heart pounded with rapture as I listened to her sweet voice go on about our plays and technique and how good our butts looked. The guys and I ate that shit up.

She was excused from attending the club with her team after the game because of her test on Monday, so I snatched her up and planted her sweet ass right on my study desk, where I imagined her spreading her legs for me. But, yeah, in a totally normal, not creepy, best friend kind of way.

"Brownstone's all yours tonight. Study hard, try not to go through my underwear drawer, don't forget to eat—there's Chinese takeout in the microwave when you get hungry—and don't stay up late," I boss her around like I have the right, flipping on the desk lamp for her. Also, whatever, I've accepted my new role as mother hen.

Hunter saunters in after changing and shoves his finger in her face like a scolding parent. "Run home, and we'll personally hunt you down and hurt you." Mother hen and father goose.

Her comically unthreatened expression matches her words when she tells him, "I suggest you remove your finger from my face before I chomp it off," which causes him to crack a smile and step away from the satanic beast. "Is this what having parents is like? Because I kind of want to hug and hit you at the same time."

"That's exactly what having parents is like." Hunter tousles her perfectly curled hair. "Have fun being a dork. See you at breakfast."

When he rolls out, I lower my voice for only her to hear. "Sleep in my bed, not my desk. And don't be afraid. I'm DD tonight and won't barge in blacked-out with two chicks on my arm."

She lowers her voice too, like us being alone after a week and not being entirely sarcastic with each other is a little nerve-wracking. "Okay." A teeny tiny smile forms on her red lips, and my heart starts up as she pushes to her tippy toes to reach my cheek. Except, she's entirely too small, and when I lower my chin to help her out, she misses and catches the corner of my mouth instead.

And I nearly engulf in flames

The fuck is with this girl's lips? They're the softest things I've ever felt, glossy with cocoa butter, and make an accidental corner-of-the-mouth peck feel like a full-fledged orgasm.

She's lucky I played it off and didn't slam her to the bed and kiss her dirty. And I'm lucky Cam called for me to get my ass in the truck just in time to flee before she could notice my bulge.

I waited until I was out the door to lick her chapstick from my lips and adjust myself.

And when we got to the club, I was maddeningly tempted to ditch the guys and go back for more. Because despite our win, the energy is off tonight. No one carried us in on our golden chariot, which was anticlimactic. I recognized some of the Syracuse players, so I bought them a few pity drinks to lessen the blow of their loss, and they're actually pretty cool. I spent most of my time with them and Hunter, while Cameron and Brooklyn got shit-faced and socialized.

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