5 : GREYSON-Accidentally Moaning Her Name

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I wake up with someone's mouth on my dick. Hell. Yes. I reach my hands down and run my fingers through hair, opening my eyes a sliver, just enough to catch the color. Dark. I drop my head back and let the hot mouth work me. It's not the best technique, but can a man really complain?

I'm in a drunk and disoriented state, dreams mixing with reality. "Mmm," I hum, lightly pushing down with my hands and lifting my hips, diving deeper into heat. "I didn't know you wanted me like this."

"I've been dreaming of this for years."

"Yeah? Tell me how bad you want me."

"I want you so bad. Every inch of you, Greyson."

Fuck yeah. "Good. Now suck me harder," I demand, tightening my grip in her hair. "Oh, yeah. That's good." I go in and out of sleep, trying to find my reality. But royal blue eyes and midnight black hair are dominating all thoughts. "Syn," I groan, chasing my orgasm. But it halts abruptly when I feel a push back against my hands. I drop my arms to the side. Not trying to choke anyone.

"Syn? Who the heck is Syn?"

What? I rub my eyes and try to open them, but the light burns my fucking brain and it starts to throb, so I just stay down.

"Chill, Renee. He's practically sleeping. Let him fantasize about whoever he wants," I hear someone say. Then I feel lips brushing my pecs. I stiffen when I feel two mouths on me.

"Ahh, there he is. Hey sleepyhead."

Reality hits like a ton of fucking bricks. The blonde from last night is leaning over me, wearing my button down. The brunette is on her knees beside the couch with my dick in her mouth.

I cover my eyes with the inside of my elbow and mumble a bunch of incoherent BS as last night's events flood through my brain. Ughhhh, why am I such a colossal fucking douchebag when I drink vodka?

I groan, scrubbing my hands over my face and through my hair before putting my dick back in my pants and sitting upright. I must be glaring because the blonde quickly unbuttoned my shirt and handed it to me. And now they're both nude and letting me look. Damn, these chicks are hot as hell now that I can see straight. But they're not what I want right now.

"Fuck. Sorry about last night." I hand my shirt back to the blonde because I feel a little bad that she's completely exposed. "Didn't mean to waste your time."

"Oh. My. Gosh. You are like, the sweetest guy ever," Brunette exclaims, her big tits swaying as she stands upright.

"Yeah, seriously, do not apologize. Your fingers fucked me better than any dick I've had," Blondie confesses, her cheeks turning a little rosy.

"We're the ones who are sorry. You never even got to come." They both close in on me, but I stand up, pinching the bridge of my nose as a massive migraine begins to form. "Shit, are you okay, baby?"

"Yeah," I groan, not feeling okay in the slightest. I can't remember the last time I lost control and drank so much. What the hell was I thinking? "I'm just going to need to sleep this one off. I'll call you girls an Uber. Help yourself to anything in the kitchen. Sorry again. I'm gonna go die now," I grumble, trudging slowly and painfully toward the steps and up to my room after kissing both of them goodbye, which seemed to satisfy them.

I shove four ibuprofen down my throat before throwing myself into bed, trying my best not to gag when the strong stench of cheap perfume and sex fills my nostrils from the comforter. Remind me to burn this thing when I wake up.

Just as I am about to drift off, my eye catches on something shiny by the desk. I manage to pull myself up to see that it's a dorm room key.


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