'Alpha Ryker. ' Tamara's soft voice awoke me from my dazed state and totally unacceptable thoughts.

Since when did I start thinking about bedding her? and especially in my own place? No female had ever basked in my arms in my house. I had rules about the women I had sex with and that included not having sex in my house.

So why the hell had I just considered the possibility of allowing her in my house?

'Alpha! '

'I heard you the first time, Okay? ' She recoiled a bit, I would've missed the movement had I not been paying attention to her. I hadn't meant to snap but hell, but how couldn't I when she was invading my thoughts?

'It's a good thing you came. ' She kept her eyes cast down on the ground.

'and on time. ' I added, still her mouth stayed shut.

'Theodore will be training you, starting from the basics until you become a pro. '

'Theodore? as in Theodore your cousin? ' She questioned in disbelief.

Theodore was one of the most dangerous elite warriors in my pack. My father Lionel Manoa the former Alpha, had personally trained him.

He was unmated at 35 among a few others that were almost slipping into depression. It was rumoured that once a person reached that age without finding their mate, they would lose the will to live gradually.

Yet here he was, stronger and more serious than ever in his duties. That is why I knew he would carve out a good fighter in Tamara.

I ignored the frown on her face at the mention of her new trainer. Instead, I summoned my cousin through the mind link.

'My Alpha. ' Theo slightly bowed before me, a respectful gesture that he had adopted since when I was inaugurated.

'Theo, you know what to do. ' He answered with a single nod, not even a word slipping between his lips.

He then beckoned her with her wave of his hand to follow her. She spared me no glance as she quickly tried matching her short strides to his.

'Wait. ' I called out to them after a thought crossed my mind, luckily, they hadn't gone further.

They halted instantly, recognising the order in my Alpha tone. None of them spoke as I approached them. Every one in the pack grounds knew not to mind my business. So they continued with their press ups.

'I will be joining you today. ' I spoke after catching up with Tamara and Theo.

They dared not question my change of mind as we made way towards the  trails that went deep into the forest.

'You will run from here to the south, up to the river meadows in between the forest grounds. You will not rest even for a second, once you reach there you will turn immediately and come back here. '

'But Alpha. '

'No buts Tamara, we'll run with you. Theo will set the pace, and you will keep up with him without any question. I won't be far behind, just to make sure you won't ditch the training. ' I smirked at the though of Theo losing sight of her.

I knew she knew her way around every part of this woods, even the most dangerous ones.

With a quick glance to her, Theo signalled her with a nod  that it was time.

Then Theo took off, with Tamara following him behind.

Theo set a gentle pace which noticeably quickened within the first few minutes. Tamara surprisingly  kept up with him and I couldn't help but wonder how the hell she was doing it.

I was right behind them and even though for me it was simply a walk over for me, for Tamara it was supposed to be hard for her. Yet she hadn't even started showing any signs of fatigue.

How the hell was she that fit and athletic?

I had never seen her run a day in her life and yet it seemed that she was enjoying it. Theo on the other hand glanced behind him once in a while, increasing the pace each time he did so.

Just before the forest broke out into the meadow, Tamara halted instantly, making me almost bump into her back.

Theo noticed the sudden halt and did so too.

'What the hell Tamara! ' I exclaimed.

'There's a breach. ' She simply stated.

'A breach? ' I confusedly asked her.

'Someone tried breaking the pack border barrier. ' This time around she faced me and I could tell she was dead serious.

'How did you even know? ' Theo for the first time talked to her.

She ignored his question entirely, making her way towards the meadow.

'Where are you going? '

'Something's horribly wrong in that meadow? '. Her voice was barely a whisper.

We followed her figure as she squatted near the edge of the river meadow. Her right hand picked up a small piece of paper and I clearly could see what was written on it in capital.


Theo and I approached her silently, my Alpha Mode kicking in.  One thing about the writing stood out, it was written in blood but Theo and I couldn't smell it.


I couldn't help but wonder how the hell my Alpha Wolf couldn't detect it.

'Alpha, this here. ' Tamara referred to the piece of paper.

'Didn't write itself and it certainly didn't place itself here. I think this is connected to the fracture on the border barrier. ' The witch explained.

'Alpha Ryker is the one who is supposed to feel when there's an invasion and he clearly didn't. So what makes you think so? ' Theo challenged Tamara, his face guarded of any emotion.

'You can't smell the blood on this paper and yet it is there. Same reason the Alpha didn't detect the breach. '

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