"your lookin pretty too sir" i said standing close infront of him, looking up a lot because of our very noticable hight diffrence he was at least 2 foot taller than me.

"oh so im pretty now" he said leanign down and kissing me. "mmhumm" i hummed into him.

He walked backwards dragging me with him. He sat on the side of his bed still kissing me. I sit on his lap as he places his hands on my hips so i dont fall.

He stopped for a second and said "someone's eager" he looked at me and smirked.

My breathing quickened as a began to panic "do you want me to stop" I said shakily.

"Hayy, I was kissing you remember I never said stop. It's a good thing" he rubbed my back as he spoke and went right back to kissing me passionately after.

A few more minutes passed and We carried on as we were, Abe ran his hands up and down my back.

He pulled his shirt off and I put my hands on his chest.

Within 0.5 seconds of him taking his shirt off sam came bursting in the room "can you hurry up people are-" and we immediately stopped. As soon as he saw us he made a swift circle and slammed the door shut as quickly as possible.

"OH GOD. FUCK, SHIT SORRY" he shouted from the other side of the door.

I quickly climbed off his lap and lied on his bed, covering my face which was probbaly like a tomato.

Abe patted the top of my thigh and I felt him stand up and pull his shirt on which was now somehow on the other side of the room.

He walked over to the door and poked his head through, trying not to show my embarrassment on the bed.

"I'm so sorry brother I just wasn't expecting...ya know that" I heard sam say. "Its fine brother don't worry about it. What's up?" Abe replied.

"I was just gonna tell you to hurry up people are starting to get here. But don't worry take your time"

"Sorry Bay" I heard him shout.

"All good don't worry" I quickly said before I heard him walk away.

Abe came back over to me after closing the door and tried to comfort me.

"I guess it could have been a lot worse" he said which was VERY true "it could have been your brother"

"Ew not helping. Don't even go there" I shivered at the thought. Luckily I trusted that sam couldnt tell him or anyone for that matter.

He leaned over and kissed the top of my head. I huffed a breath out and stood up to finish the rest of my makeup which wasn't a lot and to sort out my outfit.

Once I was looking decent again came out the bathroom and Abe grabbed my hand and we walked out and down stairs together.

"Here are the lovers themselves" someone who I didn't know said.

There was so many people it was insain. I didn't even know it was possible for that many people to be in one house, they were everywhere.

"Oh and where's your girlfriend- oh yeah you don't have one sorry" Abe said to him. I assumed it was someone from his gang.

We walked through the sea of people "don't let go of me" I said to him in my tip toes so I could reach his ear so he could hear me above the music.

"The fact that you believe for more than a second that I will disappoints me love" he said squeezing my hand tightly, the cool metal of his wings digging into my hand but not hard enough for it to hurt me.

I loved how he was possessive and scared me in a way I will never understand, but at the same time he is comforting and I know he will never hurt me.

We went to a smallish but still a pretty big room. In there were 2 sofas facing eachother with a coffee table in the middle. The walls were covered in book shelves from floor to ceiling with only a fire place seperating them.

All of the boys plus Grace and Ally were sitting on the sofa's with quiet music playing in the background. There was a space on the end of one of the sofa's next to Jack but there was no way we were both fitting there.

Abe sat down and patted his knees telling me to sit on him.

I reluctantly sat down as it was wired because my brother was right next to us but oh well. He wrapped his arms around my waist to keep me secure and he grabbed his wrist with his other hand so his hands wouldn't slip.

"Ok but why do you always end up sitting on him girl" Ally said making everyone laughed, they really seemed to like her.

"Well where else is she supposed to sit, your greedy asses took all the seats before we got here" Abe said wich everyone agreed with. He had a fair point.

"Well if you two weren't taking so long" sam began to say, me and Abe shot him a look telling him to not dare tell anyone what happend, he paused and chose wisely and continued with "getting ready- then there would be more seats"

We moved away from talking about seating and spoke about random things. We all took it in turns to get rounds of drinks for everyone but me and Abe didn't drink half as much as everyone else did.

Thank god they weren't ugly drunk, they just got loud and funny.

The music changed for the 100th time but as soon as the song began playing I recognised it immediately. It was Clair de line by none other than Debussy.

(Song above)

"Ugh what is this shit, what's the point of music if it has no words" Jack said pulling out his phone to changed it.

"No don't change it. This is my favourite classical piece" I protested receiving a disgusted look from him but he put his phone down and left it on.

"So your a girl who likes the arctic monkeys and Debussy, make that make sense" Kyle said.

"Well I'm full of surprises and I don't make sense so it fits me perfectly"

"How do you even know the names that just fucking wired" jack said insulting me as always which I just rolled my eyes at. I couldn't be bothered to argue with him.

A few more hours of drinking passed Grace had got the last round of drink so it was mine and Abe's turn to get drinks so we got up and made our way to the kitchen.

There was a lot less people here now as it was getting late, most had gone home.

There was no one in the kitchen leaving me and Abe alone.

Abe was quiet which wasn't like him so I stopped pouring drinks and turned around to look at him.

He was stood with his hands on the counter supporting all his body weight, he didn't look right at all.

"Woah woah woah what's wrong baby" I said looking at him concerned.

He took a few deep breaths before talking, he didn't move or look at me as he spoke "there was something wrong with my last drink I feel awful. I drank the same amount as you so it's not that"

My heart rate went up as I got worried for him. He really didn't look good.

I was going to take the drinks but I couldn't leave him like this so I decided to leave it and take him upstairs.


Hayyy how are u?

Ooo a little spice in there today. I cringed so hard at myself while writing that I hated every second of it I hope your happy honestly id love to put smut into this but i just don't think i could take myself seriously

Also a little drama what do you think happened with Abe at the end there?!?!

I hope you have a good day/night and I'll try and post the next one soon. I can't leave you waiting now can I!

Yes I like arctic monkeys and Debussy dont attack me lmao

~Love ya

𝑀𝑦 𝐵𝑟𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑠 𝐵𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝐹𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑑 ☠︎︎|✔حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن