Eleven ~ She left ?

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~Yui's POV~

I close the door from my room so Kota can rest, I go inside the living room and there's sitting Yuma and Mae.

"So, she good?" Mae asked quirking her brow up.
"Thát sounds wrong." Yuma chuckled wiggling his eyebrows.
"Please! You're an innocent child that shouldn't sound like a 'wrong sentence'. And yes she's fine she's just a little stiff and her face hurts."
"Just a little stiff." Yuma chuckled again looking at Mae who gave him a thumbs up.
"Oh please! I'm surrounded by children, I'm going to get food. Please don't come inside of my room, she doesn't know anyone is here and we'll she's not so keen of humans?"

On the moment I wanted to leave, the doorbell rang.
I opened it and there was a girl in front of the door, she had short brown hair and orangey, brown eyes. She was a little bit taller than me which isn't surprising because I'm really short.
She had a sweet smile.

"Is Yuma home?"

Yuma, why does she need Yuma?

"One second!"

I close the door and turn around but Yuma wasn't in the living room anymore.

"Mae? Where's Yuma?"
"In his room, he said he had to get ready."

I walk towards his room and knock on the door.
He opened it and came out of his room.

"There's a girl waiting for you at the door?"
"Why are you saying it like it's a question, she's one of my friends."
"Sure that's uh great! Have fun!"

She looks nice, and decent.
Lately I've been worrying about Yuma and the people he hangs out with, they're not the most sober and great students. But as long as he is happy and he doesn't get dragged into drinking and drugs I'll be happy.
He opens the door and smiles at her they both leave.

"Stop worrying, he's going to be fine."
"I know.. But what if he's not? We both handle this situation without Mom different."
"No you both talk to girls." She chuckles amused.
"I'm not laughing." I said giving her a fake stern look.
"Weren't you getting food?"
"Yeah. Oh my god yes I totally forgot! It's already late!"
"Well I'm leaving too, I'll see you Monday at school."

We left the apartment both going our separate ways once we came outside.
I start to walk and the air feels a little cold, it's May so all the trees and flowers are beautiful.
It's already getting a little dark which makes me walk a faster pace.

It's almost my birthday, I hope mom and my siblings can come.
Of course they can what am I even thinking. I'm becoming 18, it feels like I've been mature since I was much younger because I was mostly helping my siblings.
Mom didn't have time, so I had to do it.

I keep on walking and then I see a pizza place, I don't hesitate and walk inside.

"Hi! Can I help you?"

The person was still turned with its back to me, when he turned around and saw me his face changed.


I haven't seen him in the longest time, he used to be in the same school as me.

We were best friends, Mae, me and Jacob were like the three musketeers.
But in second year I came out as bisexual.
A lot of people started to laugh at me and some people hit me, Jacob and Mae stood up for me as the only ones.

But one day Jacob hit someone so hard they ended up being in the hospital, he got expelled.
I told the school they had to give him another chance, I told them everything what had happened.

But they didn't believe me, they believed the people that hit me.

At that moment we were still really close, but everything went down later on.
We started to lose contact until we didn't see each other anymore.
I didn't have a phone at that time because we had a lot of money problems.

"Have you been working here for a long time?"
"Well not that long, I work here part time so I can still go to school. How have you been!"
"That's great! Well I uh I've been good.
I work part time too, at Starbucks.
But it's hard to combine it with school, and uh school has been okey I guess. Sometimes my ex still bothers me, the popular girls still suck but it's all good!"

He frowns when I said that people still bother me, he hasn't seen me in a while but I know he's always cared for me.
I would tell him about my mom but I don't feel like this is the right time.

"People really suck you know." He says looking down.
"No! People are great it are just some apples aren't as sweet as others."

I really hate those people, but they're still young so I don't judge them.

"You're still the same as those years ago, you always see the positive.
So what do you want to order?"

"A pizza Hawaii and a pepperoni!"
"Alright coming right up."

I watched as he took some dough and started to make the pizzas.

"So how have you been? Anything new?"
I asked him curiously.
"Yes actually, I'm dating someone. They are amazing and kind."

I'm so happy for him, I'm glad he could find someone that makes him happy.

"Oh my! That's great! What's their name?"
"Cloud, we met at a party a few months ago."
"We should really hang out soon and meet!"
"Yes, do you have a phone? I really don't want to lose contact again."
"Yeah of course I'll give you my number."

I gave him my number and he gave me the pizzas.
We waved goodbye, and I left.

It was much colder now and I hoped the pizzas wouldn't be to cold when I get back home.

~Time skip to the apartment~

I open my door and I go to the kitchen, placing the pizzas on the table.
I hope she likes pizzas, I didn't really ask I just left without knowing anything.

I take some glasses and also place them on the table.
I fill her glass with water, because I still hadn't got to the store pretty stupid if u ask me.

And then I go inside of my bedroom with a big smile that immediately vanishes when I noticed nobody was in my bed anymore.

What did I even expect, it's logical she doesn't like me or even wants to be my friend.
What am I even trying, I'm putting my everything in a person that just doesn't enjoy my company.

Maybe I have to accept that she just doesn't like me, not everyone can like me.
But I just wished I could make her like me.. And that I could be the person who saved her.
I guess it's not me..

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