Ten ~ My fucking savior?

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~Dakota's POV~

I wake up and I look around I immediately sit up, I have no clue where I am.
The only thing I could remember was that I got hit and everything went black.

"Oh good you're awake! I was so worried!"

I turn my head towards the door and see Yui, how did I get here?

"Yui? What the fuck am I doing here!"
"Mind thanking me maybe! I saved your ass."
"Whatever I don't have to thank you, because you didn't have to help me."

She rolled her eyes and gave me a playful smile, she walked towards me and sat down on the bed, next to me.
I shuffled a bit away from her because she was really close and I felt flustered.

"But I did, because I care for you and I want to get to know you! But you don't give me a chance, please just let me.. let me at least hang out with you, and have fun with me let's be civil you don't have to label it as friends."
"Yui I don't think that's a good idea.."
"I don't care if it's a good idea or not, I will bug you until you let me hang out with you."

I looked into her eyes and I saw she was desperately trying, giving in would be stupid. But something inside of me wants to say yes, and for one day my mouth speaks faster then my mind.

"Alright if u fucking insist, but we're not friends. You're just a human being that I don't care about."
"Yes! That's great I'm so happy!"

She smiled at me and it felt genuine even though I almost never trust people their smiles, I can see through them they mean nothing. But her's feels different, maybe it's just a weird day.

"So.. What actually happened with you?"

She asks while tilting her head, her face looks funny like she's trying to think of something really difficult. I chuckle and she scratches the back of her head, her face gets a little red.

"The real question is how the hell did you find me?"

I look at her with a raised eyebrow, which makes me wince in pain because of the bruise on my face.

"Ah, uh well. So this morning when you went to your work, there was this paper on the ground. I crumpled the paper in my pocket and decided to look at it later, so when school ended and I was walking towards home I decided to look at the paper. Your work hours were on that, so I thought I.. I would walk you home! Just like we arrived."

She avoids eye contact and I can see she's a little embarrassed by telling this, I nod for her to continue she takes a breath and starts to tell once again.

"And I was waiting outside for you but it was already passed ten minutes after you're job hours. So I decided to go inside, and that's when I heard a loud thud.
I got scared so I hid behind this little bedside table, or well it looked like a bedside table..."

She started to look really confused about what kind of table or whatever it was, so I cleared my throat and gave her an annoyed look as in 'continue I don't care'.

"So then I heard the door open and I was so scared they'd notice me, but they just left. Luckily. Then I stood up and ran towards the door, when I came inside you were laying in glass and you had blood everywhere! You're face was where it was bleeding the most, I wanted to pick you up but it was hard because I'm not that strong. So I did my best and the furthest I could get you was in a room, so there I took out the glass and tried to stop you're nose from bleeding."

So that's why my face is in extreme pain and when I try to move my whole body feels stiff.

"Then I called my best friend, she came here with the car and helped me pick you up. That's how you got here in my apartment."

She gives me a weak smile and she shuffled a bit, she's not sure what she's supposed to do because I'm just staring at nothing.

"Well that's fucking great innit."

I said with a sarcastic tone.
She looks up confused, and stares at my face for a second making me look away.

"Wait.. Did you change my clothes?"

I looked at myself and I was wearing a fluffy pink pyjama making me cringe at the sight.

"I- I.. I um had too! I'm sorry, you were totally covered in blood! I didn't see you naked or something I.. I did this trick my grandma used to tell me."
"Tsshh you should see your face, you look like you just saw a ghost you little fuck."
"Hey! That's not kind being civil isn't saying such things!"
"Yeah well get used to it then, you're the one who's getting in my business so I have every right to say what I want, butterface."
"Seriously? Butterface?"

She tried to look mad but I chuckled at how hard she was trying. It's crazy how I'm actually trying to be civil with someone a month ago I'd probably rather kill her then having her bug me. I still hate her though don't get me wrong.

"Whatever now I'm leaving."

I wanted to stand up but I felt dizzy and I was in pain.

"Whatever I'm not leaving!"

She giggles what made me look at her with a really weird face because that giggle was... Ugly. Yes ugly not cute no, no. I'm not lying.

"Never laugh again, you scare me."
"You're so dramatic, want something to eat?"
"What? Like you can cook."

I looked around at the room because I hadn't even noticed that is was almost empty and the wallpaper looked like it was from some grandma.

"I sure can cook! I'm maybe not the best, but I can make food."
"Why is your room practically empty?"
"I just moved in, remember!"
"No I forgot."
"You're unbelievable."

She rolled her eyes and slapped me shoulder playfully making me act like she hurt my shoulder.

"Maybe we can go out and buy some stuff for my room?"
"I'd rather be pecked to death by a flock of hummingbirds."
"That's kind of painful.. Come on please come!"
"No, is this because I said this room was ugly? Because if that's it, it's not it looks- Great? The beauty is immaculate."
"You didn't say it was ugly! You said it was empty! Great my room is ugly, you have to come!"
"Fine geez, I just don't understand why I should be there when you are choosing things for your apartment."
"You don't die when you would try to be friendly, so we're going as soon as you're feeling good again."
"You never know, maybe I'll die so I won't take the risk of being kind."

Yui put her hand on her hips, giving me a stern face making me put my hands in the air for surrender.

"I'm getting food from somewhere so you go to sleep!"

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