Agatha, Goddess of Emotion, favors kind souls and positive thinking. Much to the chagrin of her lover Tristan. Tristan God of Pain, favors negative emotions. I think they both seem intent to hate me at the moment, in a very needed time I have no one. Thought Tristan gifted the most power after Thea, I feel so loved.

There's Zeus—the only God the Humans got the name right on—the God who can create Electricity despite forces of nature, he favors storms. The Goddess Skye can control the wind, like her lover Zeus she favors storms. Both are sky gods so whenever theirs a storm they are angry. All the elemental Gods are more powerful because they abide the rules of nature—most do at least—so their powers have more of a kick.

The Goddess Ara controls Water, she favors nature and peace. Ayden the God of Fire favors destruction and the goddess Ara. Because of this both God and Goddess blessed Linh and Mare. Unlike Aaron I don't need to try as hard to heal with Ara's gift, I just need to find water and pour some of my energy into it and splash the person who need healing. Not hard, but draining.

Loki, who can put people under trances, a Mesmer, he favors chaos. The God Ryker can shift through anything, even the ground itself. I wonder if he learned what I have, though since he's been alive for billions of years, I'm pretty sure he knows he can shift into any shape he wants. He favors no boundaries and recklessness. Like the two Goddess they are a pair and a powerful one at that.

The Goddess Ezlynn can speak anything she wants freely. She favors freedom and free will. Ansel, the God who can create something from nothing, he favors protections. It was claimed that the shield surrounding Atlantis was blessed by him, that's why it never broke. These two Gods, though sometimes at odds love each other. I feel like Ezlynn has a personal vendetta on me, everyone is so tight lipped around me. I can't get a single straight answer from a person.

The God Maximus who's an Enhancer, favors power. Any kind of power, it's scary because you never know when he could just drop down from the sky and start taking things over just because he wants power over the other Gods. Calliope, Goddess of Sounds, favors music. There is a power to music, it influences many things, probably why Maximus even bothers with her. Her music is on the hint of Beguiling, everyone is just enthralled by her and her music.

The Goddess Crystal controls Ice and Winter, she favors the cold. Azriel, the God of hiding can vanish anywhere. His name means help because if it weren't for Aaron and Leila his power wouldn't be much. He favors the chill of his lovers ice, for me he also symbolizes that we can never do things alone. We always need help, though I normally would just ignore that.

The Goddess Leila controls the nights. She's in control of making sure the moon and sun shift on schedual, if anything happened to this God—something horrible would happen to us. She favors the blissfulness of the dark. Zane is the God of breaking into minds, his name literally means power. He favors finding out people's secrets and the darkness.

Aurora means new beginnings, this Goddess uses her power to move people to new places. She favors alicorns giving them the gift of her power. In my point of view she's also the most beautiful of all the Gods and Goddesses, though they all don't care—besides Maximus who kind of envies Xavier for winning her over—I might just be biased though because of her brown eyes. The God Xavier represents new beginnings by creating new things. He favors creativity, he's a big nerd. His tower up in the heavens is full of trinkets and such, I wonder how he ever got Aurora to pick him instead of Maximus.

And there we are, a list of twenty two Gods—sadly only three favor me at this moment. Much to my chagrin I didn't sense anyone behind me as I stripped of my stupid dress and walked into the water.

 Much to my chagrin I didn't sense anyone behind me as I stripped of my stupid dress and walked into the water

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Towers of gold are still too little
These hands could hold the world but it'll
Never be enough


As my old friend stormed into his house and kicked me out, Linh told me there was a hidden cave behind the waterfall that was unoccupied and safe. When I move to the waterfall and see Sophie I can't help but wonder if my cousin or Tara never really died.

I try to get the girl's attention but she's too focused on staring at the moon and stars to see me. She hums a familiar tune as she undresses, "Never enough, never never..." I know it's very creepy but there is just something about this girl is just so...alluring. "Never enough, never never..." She didn't see me staring at her so thank Loki for not screwing me over. "Never enough, for me, for me, for meeeeeeee..."

When my mind comes across the god's name she falters in washing her hair. Her eyes go wide as she looks for the bearer of those thoughts—me. When she meets my gaze her eyes widen in horror, she sinks down into the clear water and states. "What in Ryker's name are you doing!" She screams, I guess she's right—I did something very reckless and it shows I won't let her shower in privacy.

The horror written on her face contorts mine as well. I saw her scars.


"What in Ryker's name are you doing!" I hear Tara screech, Linh and Mare's gaze meet my own. "Tara was still there when I sent Dex down there. Wasn't she getting ready to swim? Or take a shower?" I suddenly feel bad for all of us, Dex most of all. Since she said 'Ryker' I'm guessing he just stood there and stared at her, he was never good with girls.

"Her tattoo," Ella quietly says. "If she was taking a bath her tattoos would be exposed. As would her scars." The horror on her face spreads to Linh and I. "We need to move, like now!" Linh starts running for the door with Ella behind her, this was all my fault.

As we near the waterfall the voices get louder. "You're alive, it's true." I can feel Tara sending out waves of terror, "No duh I'm alive, why wouldn't I be." I almost groan, playing dumb basically never works.

"Um because we all saw your dead body seven years ago." I don't even have to be there to know Tara's body froze and her face went white. She is still traumatized about her Human family's death. "Body, you saw my dead body? I have a dead body?" I can feel her terror rising, if she doesn't pass out now she will soon.

"Are you okay Tara?" Oh thank the stars Dex is making her playing dumb act easier. We rush to the waterfall, and as we get there I can see Tara's dilated eyes and tears streaming down her face. "I remember. I remember it all." She whispers in a hushed voice, then passes out.

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