Chapter 2: To Lose What Was Never There

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Izuku was a curious boy, and as such, he often questioned things. Being only five years old didn’t help either, because as such, curiosity was a common trait for young minds. He questioned everything and anything - from the things that surrounded him in the world, to the things he found interesting about himself; especially if he felt different that day, he wanted to know why and what it was. He questioned what he’s read in books and what he might read, he questions what’s on the TV and wonders about it for hours. 

Nothing could stop his brain from trying to learn, grow, and pick apart the What’s, Who’s, Why’s, Where’s, and How’s of society. Of the world. But most commonly, you could find him questioning the environment he lived in; the people he sees, the places nearby, the plants that grow in the park, the animals, the buildings - anything and everything that sat in his small ventured environment and could catch his fancy, he questioned the most.

But he especially questioned things when they began to change. 

So, when he’d gone to school the day after his assessment, after his diagnosis , he had his head tucked to his chest as his emotions ran rampant with hurt and disbelief at the idea of being quirkless, his mind running through hundreds of questions a second at what was to come. 

‘Was Kacchan gonna hate me? He already didn’t like that I was taking forever.’

‘Would my friends stay with me?’

‘How would everyone feel about someone without a quirk?’

‘It’s practically unheard of for someone to be quirkless now, would I still be able to do the same things as my classmates?’

‘Will I be kicked out of class, or would I have special classes now?’ 

‘What’s going to change?’ 

When he got to the room, the teacher pulled him to the front of the class and quickly announced that Izuku was quirkless - why? Izuku had no idea, but as soon as that happened something seemed to fill the air, and the young boy couldn’t help but wonder ‘What’s going to change?’  

~ Arc 1 - P1: TBOAM -- Ch 2: TLWWNT

Apparently a lot changed. The attitudes of his peers, the attitude of his teachers, the way they talked, touched, looked at Izuku was all different now than it was just the day before, and Izuku didn’t know what to make of it. He knew the reason, it was because he was quirkless, but he didn’t know why that was such a big thing to them. It just meant that he hadn’t changed, that he didn’t have some new and cool tool to use and become a hero with. It just meant that he’d have to work harder towards his dream with Kacchan! 

So, pushing aside his quirklessness, he questioned what else could have changed, what else could be wrong with him that those who surrounded himself had to act the way they did. 

His little mind ran and worked and pushed, trying to find something that could be different about himself now as his chubby hands wrapped tightly around the red crayon and drew squiggles on the paper in front of him. 

There were the obvious ones - even before he was discovered quirkless, Kacchan had stopped using his previous nickname and started calling him names. ( They’re just nicknames, Deku! Stop being such an airhead! ) And when they played together, Kacchan and his other friends always got too rough with him. ( It was an accident! Geez! Stop being such a cry baby Deku! ) Plus, recently the other kids in his class didn’t want to talk to him anymore, usually not even getting near him. 

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