She remained quiet as she walked ahead. Her heart was sure of one thing, if she hadn't seen this man on the train and fell for his looks, had a crush to last for an eternity, now knowing him personally, she fell for his pure heart, harder than the last time. 

After knowing for sure that she had buckled up the seat belt, he ignited the engine of the car, "You people take time longer than you should," Fathima poked her face between the driver's seat and the passenger seat, "You know that right?" She asked. 

Shabna blushed and Maahi turned to face his sister, "Seriously Fathima! I think you are keeping your face so close to my side only because you like my cologne a lot more than Ali's," He joked. 

Fathima made a face and when Maahi turned to see her scrunched up face, he laughed, "Accept it finally." 

"Oho! Maahi turn your attention towards the road. I don't know why Sameer trusted you with his car, for I am sure now you are going to break it." 

"I drive this car more than Sameer does, okay?," he fidgeted on the side and held a card, "This is my driver's license if you want to see," He threw it over to the back seat. 

"How come you have a license in this city?" Shabna turned curiously. 

"Well! To be precise I finished my University here and my internship before I moved to Cali."  

" Oh!" Shabna wondered, surprised. 

"Yeah! Now, this makes me wonder, How come you both haven't seen each other back when you were here?" asked Fathima and Shabna turned towards the window. 

We have met once. 

She replied in her brain. 


"You are the one behind all of this, right?" Shabna plopped beside Jesima on her bed. 

Jesima just kept her mouth shut. "Why did you sound happy all of a sudden?" she asked instead. 

"Happy?" Shabna leaned on one hand, " I am floating in the air" She sighed dreamily. 

"Oh! Really?"  

" Don't you have any doubts at that." 

The exact time Sarah entered the room and instantly Jesima got up."Sarah! Haven't you taken all the makeup and thrown it in the dust bin?"  

"Why would you do that?" Shabna got up by her side, perplexed. 

"Yeah! I did." Sarah said, taking a seat beside Jesima. 

"And have you given that dress filled with flowers of rhinestones for charity, right?"  

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