Chapter 3: Dangerous Moon

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In the middle of the night, Allison woke up and her eyes glowed bright yellow. Like Scott when he first turned, she had no idea what she was doing. She crept out Scott's open window and jumped down from the roof. She scavenged throughout the forest looking for something to hunt.

Soon enough, Scott came after her. He found a ruthless Allison tearing apart a deer in the forest. When Allison came out of her hallucination, she was in shock; quite frightened of the person she had become.

"What did I do?" she cried.

"It's okay, Allison. It was a deer. Do you remember anything?"
"No! The last thing I remember was going to bed."

"This happened to me too. When I first turned. But I don't remember it being this bad..."


"That's not helping!"
"I know. I'm sorry. We should probably get going, it's cold out here."

"Scott, we're werewolves. It's not actually that cold."

"Okay... still." He laughed.

She smiled. "Remember when we went to the woods that one time for my birthday during sophomore year?" Scott nodded. "I want to do something like that again. I know we're not together anymore... obviously. But, now that I've gotten a second chance at life I want to cherish every moment of it."

"We can do whatever you want, Allison."

"Good. And it doesn't have to be just us, either. Stiles, Lydia, Kira... they can all come. And that other girl that I saw on your wall. What's her name?"
"Remember that girl Malia that Stiles and I rescued? The werecoyote? That's her. Soon after you died, she started school in Beacon Hills."

"Oh, okay. Is she nice?"

"She is, but she's a lot like Peter. Which makes sense, because she's biologically his daughter."
"Wait... Peter Hale has a daughter? Since when?"

"He just found out himself. But now, he's locked up in Eichen House because he tried to kill me. And he was methodically behind a supernatural deadpool."

"Oh... that's kinda weird. A supernatural deadpool? Is that like a bounty thing?"

"Yeah. I was the highest target on the list; worth twenty-five million dollars. But, that's a story for another day. Let's get home, it's getting pretty late."


"What's wrong?"

Allison had a frightened look on her face. She pulled out her hands from behind her back and her claws were out. "I'm scared, Scott. I don't know what to do."

"Hey, listen. We'll get through this." He gave her a big hug, which made her calm down and her claws shrink back to her normal fingernails. "Being a werewolf is tough... but we're strong."Allison and Scott walked back to his house and climbed up on the roof. They sat there for a while and watched the moon, until Allison fell asleep in Scott's arms. 

The Awakening | Allison ArgentWhere stories live. Discover now