Chapter 19: The Return of the Pack

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Once it was revealed that Allison was being hunted, and Ryan was most likely going to go after her friends one by one, Scott had to warn his friends. They should've taken Malia's death as a warning, but mistakenly didn't. So, for the first time in years, the members of Scott's pack and his allies had an official meeting. Everyone was there.

"Scott, we just can't identify this as a pattern from one death;" Lydia argued, after Scott explained the entire situation.

"We have to, Lydia. If we don't, that's how people are going to die," Scott replied. 

"Take Malia's death as a warning," Allison pointed out. "I could feel the anger coming from Ryan. He has a vendetta against anyone with a connection to the supernatural. Most of us are that. I don't want to lose anyone else, and I don't want to die again."

"How can we trust her when we've never even met the guy?" Stiles asked. 

"Stiles, I'm your friend," Allison snapped back. 

"I understand where you're coming from, but you worked with Isaac. How can we trust you if you assisted the enemy on multiple occasions?" Derek implied.

"All I'm saying is that we need to take this as a warning and be careful. Add extra security measures to our lifestyles. Maybe even stay together in Beacon Hills," Scott added.

"Scott, I told you years ago that we need to get out of this place. All the guy is going to do is come reign hellfire upon us or something!" Stiles exclaimed.

"Stop!" Chris shouted. "Why won't you guys just take this as a warning?"

"Thank you, Dad."

"We can protect ourselves, Mr. Argent. I'm an FBI agent, and my wife is a Banshee."

"Hold up- wife? When did this happen?" Allison asked.

"Stiles and I had a small wedding when you ran away to New York last summer."

"And you didn't even invite me?"

"Scott implied that you were leaving all of us."

"How could you, Scott?"

"Allison, I can explain."

"Save it." Allison stormed off out of Scott's house, where the meeting was being held.

"Running away again, aren't we?" Lydia said, with a sarcastic tone.

Allison quickly came back into the house and glowed her blue eyes back at Lydia. She held her fist up in the air and was about to throw a punch at Lydia, until she was stopped by Scott.

"Allison!" he growled. "Come with me. Let's talk."

Allison rolled her eyes and followed Scott to his bedroom. When she got into there, she went to open up a window and climb out, but Scott stopped her once again.

"What is up with you?"

"What's up with me? What's up with all of you! No one wants to listen to me! Everyone hates me!" She yelled.

"Allison, that's not true."

"It is, Scott. Mine and Lydia's friendship hasn't been the same since I came back. Stiles doesn't trust me. No one trusts me."

"Because you keep running away, Allison. Every time there is something that doesn't go your way, you run away from it. Or if there's any type of problem. You're like- Serena van der Woodsen."

"Ok first of all, the Gossip Girl reference was kind of rude. Second of all, that's all I know how to do. I don't know how to face it. It's become natural to me."

"Maybe stop running away from your problems?" he implied.

"What? I literally said I can't."

"Face them," he sighed. 


"Here's one you definitely need to face." He grabs Allison by her waist and pulls her in to kiss her. When Scott pushed away, Allison tried to run off. Instead of letting her leave, he grabbed her wrist and said, "This is what I mean, Allison."

"Scott, you can't just do that. Not now!"

"Remember sophomore year, when you broke up with me? I said I could wait, right? Allison, it's been almost seven years. I can't wait any longer."

Allison tried to accept what Scott said, and she knew he was right. She was ready to be with him a long time ago, but she didn't know how to face it. Scott helped her face her problems, because they loved each other. She knew what to say, and it was finally the time for her to say it.

"I love you."

The Awakening | Allison ArgentOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora