Chapter 16: Memorial

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"How did she die?" Allison cried.

"Shooting," Scott answered, shakily. "She was working  with a design company or something like that, and some girl who got fired came in to steal designs. She brought a gun... and shot Malia in the head."

"No. No, no, no."


"Do you know how selfish I feel? I loved her when she loved you too. I let her have you. And now, after she died, you're telling me that you love me?"

"I don't know what to say, Al. I feel selfish too."

"I can't do this." Allison stormed out of Scott and Jack's apartment and left the building as fast as she could. She headed back to her hotel, and cried for hours- until a sweet brunette boy came up to her window.

Allison and Scott stared at each other for minutes, that actually felt like hours. She didn't want to let him in. She had let him in emotionally when she was vulnerable, and now- he's in between. He wasn't there for her when she needed help, but now, it's a complicated situation.

After a while of staring at Scott from outside her window, she finally let him in. But, she didn't speak to him. The two complicated lovers sat by each other on Allison's hotel bed that was covered in the tears she shed for Malia.

Eventually, she spoke up. "You didn't tell me."

"I couldn't."

"You couldn't tell me she had died from a shooting? Really?"

"Because I lied about who it really was. It wasn't a crazy ex co-worker. It was a hunter."

"A hunter? Scott, what if they have it out for me?"

"That's why I couldn't tell you."

"But you have to. So I can protect myself."

"And when I realized that, it was too late. I was hoping that-"

"What? You could... go without telling me?" Scott nodded. "How could you? Scott, she was my friend. I didn't even get to go to her funeral."

"Do you want to go visit her grave with me?" Allison nodded.

Scott and Allison got in the Jeep and the two of them drove the two- hour ride back to Beacon Hills to visit Malia's grave.

Malia' grave was located at Rosewood Cemetery, nearby the preserve. On her tombstone, a little coyote was engraved with a heart. Yet again, Allison shed another tear.

Malia was buried nearby both of her families- the Hales and the Tates. She felt more close to the Hales, so in a way, her grave was closer to theirs.


Hi! Sorry for not updating in about a week. I've been wicked busy with another story I began to write, plus I went away last weekend and I've been dealing with sports & school.

This weekend is my birthday so I probably won't be writing a lot, but I might try to squeeze in a happier chapter later tonight!

I'm thinking of an idea for the next chapter... but I'm worried that it might raise some frowns. But, it should be happier!

The Awakening | Allison Argentजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें