Learning to Fight

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Ryder decided to start training with me since Callie was running a little bit late due to a job for Ryder, I finally found out that Callie was an assassin for his mafia I would like to be that so when we took a break from working on my fighting skills, I was still drinking from my water bottle Ryder then sat back down with me and then said "you are a very good fighter" "yeah I guess I'm not to bad for not fighting back all those years" I laughed but then I seen him look at me upset and serious so I stopped laughing and cleared my throat then took a drink of my water and then I said to him "what does it take to be an assassin?" I looked up at him and he looked surprised "what?" he finally said to me so I answered with "I would like to be an assassin" "you are not going to be in the front lines honey" I got upset and said "what? do you not think I could do the job?" "it's  not that" "then what is it?" as soon as I said that Callie and Sam walked up and same seemed to be bleeding and Ryder said "are you okay bro?" "yeah just a little flesh wound and Callie is fine as usual, can't get to hurt while far away with a gun" he giggled and then I looked at Ryder pissed off then looked at Callie and said "you want to help me learn how to fight and shoot because he won't" "you are not going to be an assassin for my mafia" "I want to be I don't want to be in the front lines like you said I will be far away with Callie helping out people I care about because you guys are my family and I will not be put in the kitchen again and wait to here that you won't come home to me" they looked at me understandingly and then I looked back at Ryder and he looked a little mad at me for saying that buts it's the truth and if he can't handle that oh well, it was silent for a minute and I started to walk away pissed at Ryder but then stopped when he said "okay we will train you but since you aren't bad at fighting already lets just get right into the guns shall we" he then walked out and Callie said "lets go we are going down to the shooting range" we got to the elevator and Ryder had already stepped into it and was holding it open for us and then I was standing in the back while they all stood in the front but then I heard movement but then I felt somebody in front of me and I didn't look up I really wanted to tell them I'm sorry because of how I talked to him then next thing I felt is somebody wrap there arms around me and hug me I knew it was Ryder nobody would hug me like this, I then heard him say "I'm sorry how I acted towards you I never meant to ever start to treat you like your past family had" "you didn't I'm sorry I ever put you or my new family ever in that category I am so sorry I just want to matter to everybody not just stay at home all the time" "me, Sam, and Callie will make you the best assassin there is you hear me we will get all the people that have every hurt you" I looked up at him and smiled at him in thanks and then all of the sudden he kissed me I was shocked because our friends are here "when did that happen?" "what?" "you guys being together?" "we aren't, we have only kissed twice" "and I have walked in when she was having a dream..." he pauses I hope he doesn't finish that sentence "about me" I blushed of course he would have finished that sentence "are we almost there?" he chuckled and said "yes love" I blushed again because that is a new pet name. 

When we arrived at the basement yes the last freaking floor I was pissed off by the time we got there because they kept teasing me so I stopped talking to them all together and then when the elevator stopped I just walked off it and walked over to the guns and looked at them and then I seen a customized one that said my name on it and it was pure white and the lettering was gold,  I then felt everybody's eyes on me so I turned around and said "how is there one that says Elizabeth on it?" "that would be me that done that" I looked over and noticed that it was Jackson I was confused since when did he get down here "I missed you so much when I first got here and you took so much from our old family and that gave me strength that I didn't know I had" it was quiet and then I noticed he had a tear run down his face and then said "I loved you so much sis never forget that, I should have came back there for you and showed you my life now so you felt love because even though we kill people and all of that illegal shit you always have 300 people that love you" I smiled with one tear running down my cheek and walked over and hugged him I think I took him by surprise and he then finally hugged me back, I then pulled back and then looked at everybody and then said "lets get to work" "not without this" Jackson walked over to were the guns are and picked it up and said "I think it's about time you take it over since I have the real you" "but this is your gun" "I'll customize one for myself and finally so everybody will stop asking me about why I have a women's name on my gun" we all giggled and then we started. 

I was very good at the hand gun but then tomorrow we start with my assassin gun as Callie called it she told me she never could remember the name of her gun but she showed it to me and it was black and had a big rose like all of the tattoo's on there wrists and her name I really wanted one like that but I would have to wait to get some money together to get one someday. 

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