Next day

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I woke up and thought about yesterday my whole new friend group is in the mafia, I looked at the alarm clock then sat up went to the bathroom to pee and brush my teeth I don't need to take a shower since last night I just went straight up to my room and took a shower not because I was scared of them it's just because yesterday I think I noticed that I like him I think that because he brings out the sassy in me and I like it, I got dressed in a little bit tighter pencil shirt with a very tight pink/ white outlined and a whit blazer and a nude/pink heels on that is what my outfit consist of. 

I grabbed my purse and phone and start walking down the stairs when I get down there I was expecting all of my new friends and brother there but they weren't, I walked in the kitchen and I was very wrong with my statement they were all sitting at ...

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I grabbed my purse and phone and start walking down the stairs when I get down there I was expecting all of my new friends and brother there but they weren't, I walked in the kitchen and I was very wrong with my statement they were all sitting at the huge table Ryder has in his penthouse, they haven't seen me yet so I said "Hi everybody" they all were dressed up in work attire "am I late?" Callie answered " nope we were just waiting on you" "why?" it was quiet so I decided to sit down and then Ryder finally answered after looking at me examining my outfit "they just wanted to see how you were since you just went up to your room  without even talking to me" "oh yeah sorry about that I was just thinking about it all, you know my friend was keeping such a secret from me, my brother gone for a year and could of found my number but he didn't and most of all I'm being threatened, feel like I was being watched from a car outside of McDonald's yeah a lot to process" I looked down at my hands and then I said "can we go to work because I didn't finish Friday due to being beat up?" "yeah lets go" Ryder finally stood up and started walking towards me and said in my ear "you look ravishing in that outfit Miss Simone" I gulped then looked at everybody and cleared my throat and said to everybody "I'll see everybody at work by guys" and with that I didn't wait on Ryder and walked out feeling his eyes looked at me still. 

We pulled up and it was silent until he said "you know you can just be our friend you don't have to be apart of the Mafia" "I want to you guys are bringing out the confident me out finally I mean looked at my outfit" he smirked then said before getting out of the car "trust me I have, confidence suits you well honey" I was shocked and before he could open the door for me I opened it for myself and then we started walking to the entrance and everybody looked at us I picked up my pace but Ryder was still in front of me I stopped when I heard "that's probably how she got that position, sleeping with the boss fat freaking slut" I had tears well up in my eyes and then I heard "Miss. Simone the elevator is waiting" I finished the distance and walked in standing behind in front off him because he is leaning on the back of the elevator with his hands in his pockets, half way up I felt one tear drop down my cheek so I hurriedly wiped it off because if he seen the weakness in me he won't let me join the mafia which I need to so I can control the emotions with in me I then felt the elevator stop and somebody stepped in front of me "what is wrong?" "nothing I'm fine" I smiled at him and then he looked at me with a knowing look but I wasn't going to tell him he started the elevator back up and we were at the floor so I could get to work and forget what that women said to her friends about me. 

I was working and then Ryder looked up from his computer at me and Callie "you girls will be attending me, Sam, Timothy, and Jackson to a ball fundraiser for work not the Mafia okay?" "alright" Callie said I didn't answer because I didn't have anything to wear "Callie can you take Elizabeth to get a dress after work it is tomorrow at 3pm and ends at 8pm" "yep I can do that" next thing I know I heard a knock on the door then Ryder said come in "Hi babe can I talk to you for a second?" I would know that voice anywhere it was the girl that was talking about me to her friends and so I said I'm going to use the bathroom to Callie "sir I'm sorry to ask you but may I use your bathroom" before he could get anything out she said "umm no you can't that would be disgusting and unprofessional" "she can use my bathroom Bethany  it's no problem" so I said while getting a little teary eyed "no she is right it is disgusting for a fat slut to be using his bathroom right Bethany you need to talk a little more quiet if your going to talk behind somebody's back that's why they call it that" I smiled at her and said to Ryder who had a mad face on "I will be right back Mr. Garcia to finish today's work" I walked out into the hallway and I seen everybody looking at me with pity in there eyes so I sped walked into the bathroom and ran to the stall and locked it but then I heard Callie calling out my name and I unlocked it I haven't started crying but as soon as I started to talk here comes the water works "am I taking advantage of his kindness I mean I am living with him he bought all new clothes for me, I'm causing more problems then anything I should just probably quite right? yeah I should" I nodded my head and said "I'm so stupid I thought I could change and stand up for my self and here I am crying" Callie said next "your not taking advantage of his kindness Lizzy you are the one that is putting him back together he was lost when he lost his brother a year ago and you are helping him and you did stand up for yourself and you didn't let her see any weakness you are already a great member" I smiled and thanked her and she said "now splash your face with cold water and lets go back in there at let her see your not affected by her" we walked in and seen him pissed off "no I'm not going to the ball with you, leave now or you won't be working here at all" she walked past me and shoulder bumped me and me and Callie started belly laughing and got back to work. 

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